Acting : How do you Prepare for a Day of Filming? by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

How do you Prepare for a Day of Filming?

Hey, everyone. How do you get ready? Do you go over your lines, reread the script, get into character, mingle with other actors, relax, etc.? Are there any things you avoid doing when getting ready?

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, in college, when everyone is together and set ready

Maurice Vaughan

Was that for a student film or a film you made, Billy Kwack?

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, a student film with my group members

Maurice Vaughan

What was the genre and title, Billy Kwack?

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, first project was a silent continuity, second was a music video, I use the song You Gotta Be and last was anything. I did an action short

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Billy Kwack. I know that song. What's a silent continuity?

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, no dialogue and a short story. My classmate Peter did a video on a drunk who commits suicide, in black and white

Maurice Vaughan

What was your Action short about, Billy Kwack?

Bonnie Ankle

When I did my first movie, an older wiser actor helped guide me with my process. They said to create your own process that helps you with your character. Do everything on and off set as your character until you can turn on and off your character like a switch. First thing I would run my lines as my character, then I would interact with everyone as my character. and grow my character. I had several different films with different characters, but my process was always the same. The last thing this wise actor told me is that I am here because I am the best for this role and this role is mine. Break a leg.

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Bonnie Ankle. Thanks for sharing how you prepare. Is it hard to turn off a character sometimes?

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, sorry took so long. My action short was about a woman getting her statue stolen and her friend gets the statue back with a friend

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Billy Kwack. It's fine. That sounds interesting. Is your short film online?

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, no, I think it's a 7 minute video. I want to try and put it on here

Maurice Vaughan

You could post it to your Stage 32 profile, Billy Kwack. Move your mouse over "Profile" on the bar near the top of Stage 32's homepage and click "Video/Audio." You can also post your movie to your profile by moving your mouse over "Browse" on the same bar and clicking "Video."

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, no way, I'll try. I finally talked to Charlie Osowik, the screenplay full read and 30 minute talk. It was awesome, very cool guy

Maurice Vaughan

That's great, Billy Kwack! Glad you had an awesome read and 30 minute talk! I'm looking forward to seeing your movie one day!

Billy Kwack

Thanks Maurice, he gave me some useful advice and his email address

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Billy Kwack. That's great. Have you acted in any projects since college?

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, no, after college I volunteered at a theater play for 3 years as a stage hand. I feel like I told you this before

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Billy Kwack. You might've told me before. I'm not sure though.

Brigitte Millar

Thanks, Bonnie Ankle, I like that. I agree with you.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Hi there, Billy and Maurice. I've enjoyed reading your conversation. Sounds like you've done some projects that might be conceptually challenging, but it also sounds like it all worked out. And theater too, good for you! I used to produce Music Videos for Silvey Company and WB and really enjoyed the whole process. All the best with all your creative projects.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Interesting points, Bonnie. Reminds me of Robert Downey, Jr.'s quote from TROPIC THUNDER - "I don't drop character till I've done the DVD commentary."

Billy Kwack

Thank you Pamela

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Pamela Jaye Smith. Is auditioning for music videos the same as auditioning for movies and shows?

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