Some of my ideas for Disney are revivals of some of their ended work. With more added to them, like contributions to Disney's past films, animated and live action. Like Snow White, Pollyana, and such. Plus, themes like redemption and reconcilation through love. Like a character gains redemption through love some of the best themes seen in a Disney film, is that things always work out, and good always triumphs over evil.
Could anyone help me on this? I promise it will be the stuff that dreams are made of.
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Available for what?
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Kevin Hager Given that you really seem to want to write utilizing Disney IP I would suggest applying to the next writing program (2025 program applications are closed) the company runs. The 2026 program should likely open up for submissions in the next few months I imagine. You do have to be cognizant of the fact that the two TV pilot submissions are for live-action (not animated) stories and both writing samples have to be original. Disney doesn't specify non-spec in the application requirements so you may be able to write using Disney trademark characters, but if you apply I would check with the program runners just to make sure.
Hi, Kevin Hager. I searched for the post about Ayanna Anene's services, but I couldn't find it. You can email to find out what she's available for.