Composing : Nik Baertsch - Ronin by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

Nik Baertsch - Ronin

I was sent an email this morning from a friend, whose son did the animations for this film on Nik Baertsch’s band Ronin, called ‘Ingredients for Disaster’.

It now means I’ll have to watch the documentary on Prime, but I can cope with that.

It’s the first time I’ve heard of this guy, but I reckon that some of the composers in this lounge must have heard of him?

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this short taster.

Geoff Hall

Now, here’s a follow up to that video, called Scientists of the Groove. Love the title and I’m stunned by his musical concepts and versatility.

Linwood Bell

Thanks for the links. I’ll be sure to watch the doc.

Geoff Hall

Linwood Bell Hi Linwood, cool. Let me know what you think. Have a great weekend.

Geoff Hall

Linwood Bell hi Linwood, well, I’ve now watched the documentary and I thought it was marvellous. I love how his mind works, when it comes to composition. Not that I understood the theory, but I could get my head around the analogies and metaphors.

It makes me wonder about jazz aesthetics and filmmaking. Could I ask you about filmmaking and the jazz aesthetic. I remember watching Bullitt and the music of Lalo Schifrin was a real experience for me as a kid. I was 12 (I think) when I saw it.

Experiencing it now, I’d say that the music really helps with the pacing of the movie. It’s like it’s the framework, the bones of the story. Bullitt has left on an impression on me and now that I’m in the greying of my years I wonder if I could create a film with a jazz aesthetic?

What would you recommend for reading or another film, or films that I need to watch. Listening to Nik Baertsch, I find the same imaginative (jazz) juices flowing. Or am I barking up the wrong tree? Can you analogise jazz composition with filmmaking?

Linwood Bell

I haven’t had the chance to watch it yet. I was aware of Nik because of his relationship with ECM. I listen to a lot of artists on that label.

From jump I always gravitated to film composers with jazz influences. Mancini, Grusin, Mandel, Legrand, etc

Like you, I saw Bullitt at a young age and loved the music. All of Lalo’s scores grabbed me. Same with the stuff Herbie was doing in the ’70’s on films like Death Wish. In fact, a few years ago when Spitfire did the Westworld contest they dubbed dialog a couple minutes into the scene where he says, “ I think he’s switching genres.” and I did a nod to Lalo and Herbie and that vibe. It’s just fun to go there and in these contests you can just do whatever you feel like that day. Doesn’t matter. It’s just for fun. (

I’m sure you’ve seen it, but Herbie’s score for Round Midnight is fantastic. Dave Blumberg did the arrangements and orchestrated that. Fantastic stuff. Also the scores Pat Metheny has been involved in. Like “ Map of the World”. It’s not intense jazz, but the language/influence is in there. The movie was ok, but the music stands on its own and I’ve listened to it countless times.

Geoff Hall

Linwood Bell oh ECM! What an amazing company and Manfred Eicher is such a visionary. I loved his work with Arvo Pärt.

And thanks for suggestions, I’ll check them out.

Linwood Bell

Geoff Hall Yes…some great music on that label. I think the first lp I bought on ECM was Keith Jarrett’s Facing You. I have a ton of Keith on vinyl. All the Impulse stuff and ECM and the sideman things. I gave all of my vinyl to my son a couple years ago so he could enjoy it. That’s how I learned music. Listening to records. I’ve never had lessons or anything as a kid. No college for me. No money for it. I learned in the school band in elem and high school and on the bandstand. I never really talked music until I met Dave Blumberg late in life and I took lessons from him for 5+ years until he passed in April of 2010. Hey, if you’re a Jarrett fan and haven’t seen it yet watch the Rick Beato interview with Keith that he did last year. It’s so amazing. Life really through him a curve and to see him and the way he handles it is something to witness. Mal Waldron also was on ECM. He did some good jazz film scores in the 60’s, too.

Geoff Hall

Linwood Bell thanks Linwood. You’re an encyclopaedia with legs!

I want to see if I can work out a correlation between pacing a scene or sequence and the time signature of a piece of music. It may take me a while, but it’s now filed in my imagination somewhere and will no doubt surface some time in the future, when I need it.

Linwood Bell

Geoff Hall Watch parts I and 2 and then do it backwards. :)

Shahriar Vaghfrahmani

I think that's Perfect, what do you think?

Geoff Hall

Shahriar Vaghfrahmani I love it, Shahriar. I want to work with Nik and Simon in the future.

Geoff Hall

Linwood Bell ooh, I like the way you can change the time signature of the music in Digital Performer, Linwood.

Linwood Bell

Geoff Hall DP really helps out with SMPTE and putting things to a grid where it's easier to hit points and edit when you have to do it all in the box and quick.

Geoff Hall

Linwood Bell thanks for the share, Linwood. Have a great Christmas.

Linwood Bell

Geoff Hall Hugs to you and your Family this Christmas, Geoff.

Geoff Hall

Linwood Bell yeah, it looks like a great app. I will bear that in mind when it comes to my ‘jazz’ film.

I’ve read lots of people talk about their work and a ‘jazz aesthetic’, but no on seems to be able to define it. I would love to know more and wondered if you knew of any good writers who share their thoughts about it?

Geoff Hall

Linwood Bell and thanks for the well-wishes, Linwood.

Linwood Bell

Geoff Hall Herbie's Harvard lectures are always good to see and hear someone talk about it.. I've gone to see him play many times. When my mentor, Dave Blumberg passed Herbie was there at his memorial. I was able to talk with him and it was one of the only times I've been starstruck. I was so out of my league, but Herbie was so kind. At the service Herbie and Wayne Shorter played Round Midnight for Dave. Still gives me chicken skin to think about it. The sound of Wayne's soprano sax in that space and all that harmony and emotion coming from those two was more than I could take. It was otherworldly. As far as funerals go, that's the best one I've ever been to. :)

Kerry Kennard

Great graphics so far in this video.

Merry Christmas, Geoff Hall - and everyone in the post !

Maurice Vaughan

Merry Christmas, Kerry Kennard!

Geoff Hall

Kerry Kennard Merry Christmas, Kerry!

Geoff Hall

Linwood Bell I’ve just watched Herbie Hancock’s talk, Linwood. Loved it - and will share more later. People will be descending on our home shortly for a Christmas Eve party.

Maurice Vaughan

Merry Christmas, Geoff Hall!

Maurice Vaughan

Merry Christmas, Linwood Bell and Shahriar Vaghfrahmani!

Kerry Kennard

Merry Christmas, guys ! So many little things to make a great day. :~). Maurice Vaughan Geoff Hall Linwood Bell - the Merry Christmas post, lol. :~). Can't let our manager see this - she'll take down or move at a moments notice. - ha ha

Linwood Bell

Merry Christmas to you all! My son and his wife got here last night and are staying with us for a few days. Everyone is coming over to my house tonight for dinner and Linda is already in the kitchen doin’ the thing. Wishing you all the very best! You guys know 2025 is gonna be our year, right?

Maurice Vaughan

Right, Linwood Bell!

Geoff Hall

thank you, Linwood Bell We had a great Christmas, with a party for our friends on Christmas Eve, a quiet meal with the three of us on 25th and 11 of us on Boxing Day. Just chilling now and getting ready for a quiet New Year's Eve.

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