Distribution : H e l p !! by Mïcke Engström

Mïcke Engström

H e l p !!

I need help: Where to find a film festival interested in having the world premiere for my second feature length documentary??

It's now being mixed to dolby Atmos as well as 5.1 surround sound and the DCP will of course have english subtitles.



(USP: voice talents of former Ingmar Bergman actors Stina Ekblad, Per Ragnar, and the internationally acclaimed opera singer Nina Stemme...)

Synopsis (sketch):

Nowadays the SEMITJOV family seems to be very much forgotten, but they were very influential and great contributors to Swedish culture and journalism. The engineer/author VLADIMIR arrives in Stockholm one hundred years ago -1923- as a refugee. He comes with his two sons, his pregnant wife and his old mum. They have fled famine, revolution and contra revolution in the Soviet Union and are now without food and money…Partly through Vladimir’s unique diary we follow the family’s hard struggle to establish in Sweden. It is a success story: Vladimir gets to help the then world-famous Mauritz Stiller to light the star of Greta Garbo with a true story from the family’s time in a refugee camp in Constantinople. The hard working Vladimir is also posthumously appointed as the greatest Swedish science fictionwriter of the 20s and 30s. During world war II the family’s oldest son -VOLODJA- becomes a war correspondent for the biggest newspaper in Sweden. He then changes career to film script writing and writes the internationally most successful Swedish film ever (the origin for the internationally spread idea about ”Swedish sin”.) The youngest son -EUGEN- born 1923, writes and draws the most internationally spread Swedish adventure comics, When the Space Age starts he changes career and becomes space journalist and wins the Big Journalist Award 1972.

Sam Sokolow

SEMITJOV sounds like such a powerful and fascinating film, Mïcke Engström. I have heard from a few friends in the doc world that the International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam is a great festival for docs outside of the more obvisous Cannes, Sundance and TIFF. The Coppenhagen Intn'l Documentary Film Festival is also supposed to be a great experience and platform. Hope that's helpful.

Mïcke Engström

Thank you Sam. I'll check them out!

Ewan Dunbar

The film festival in Manchester (UK) I think does documentaries and there’s a big one in Amsterdam as well.

Mïcke Engström

Thanks Ewan!!

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