In another sign of the growing global film industry, the Italian feaure film PRIMAVERA, about Vivaldi, was financed by several sources and supported by the Italian film commission and incentives and will now get a wide release through a slew of distributors. We are all connected and as RB has been preaching, you have to think globally in today's industry. I'm excited to see this film! https://variety.com/2025/film/global/antonio-vivaldi-primavera-internati...
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Had a call yesterday with a long time distribution exec who said, "The international pipeline is as wide open and flowing than at any time in my 20 year career." Only signs of acceleration ahead.
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Molto Bene! Great to see artistic voices of lands near and far achieving recognition in the greater global film and television market.
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I expect that pipeline to grow by leaps and bounds.
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You can place that bet with confidence, Debbie Elicksen