I'll be keeping a close eye on this - the Fithian Groups new Attend distribution model matches indie films with theaters without traditional distributors in the middle. This is another sign - maybe a big one - that the independent film boom is growing and when filmmakers and indie producers find theatrical release models that allow for an ROI without majors in the middle it will be game on in a new way. What are your thoughts on this model? https://variety.com/2025/film/news/you-me-and-her-trailer-romantic-comed...
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Very interesting! Direct booking vs. Four-Walling...Especially interesting as offering by the head of the theater association. Thanks Sam!
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This is fascinating and, yet, kind of inevitable, no? One thing about this industry...it finds a way. Something new and revolutionary is always around the corner. That's why the day will always be owned by the optimists and the cynics will never win.
Excited to follow this as well. Thanks for sharing, Sam Sokolow