Hey, everyone. Hope your year’s off to a great start! My name’s Maurice. I’m a screenwriter (mainly Horror and Action), ghostwriter, commercial writer, pitch deck designer, and Stage 32 Lounge Moderator.
What’s been your favorite movie, show, book, sports game, etc. so far this year? My favorite movie this year is INTERSTELLAR. I know, it took me a WHILE to watch it. Haha It's a beautiful, phenomenal film!
And this weekend is Stage 32's Introduce Yourself Weekend (Friday the 17th - Monday the 20th)! Introduce/reintroduce yourself here in the Introduce Yourself Lounge.
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From last year, cannot praise DISCLAIMER too much. Fantastic director, cast and story.
Never watched the trippy SEVERANCE but tried it and was instantly a fan. Nearly done with S1 just in time for the S2 premiere.
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Hey Maurice Vaughan !! Happy IYW! My favorite show this year is Battlestar Galactica. We binged it for the 3rd time and it just never gets old. So say we all!
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Frak! Ironically, just starting a third pass on BSG (currently at S01E05).
So say we all!
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I'm looking forward to watching DISCLAIMER and SEVERANCE, E Langley. I've heard people saying great things about them, but I have no idea what the shows are about. That's the way I like watching a lot of shows and movies though.
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Hey, Leonardo Ramirez. Happy IYW! Battlestar Galactica has been on my watch list for a long time. I'll get to it eventually. Maybe. I have a LONG watch list.
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When you find out what SEVERANCE is about, let me know. :)
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I think you'll love it Maurice Vaughan.
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'Landman' for sure. The characters undergo emotional 'ins and outs' that are pure genius. Taylor Sheridan did a masterful job with this aspect of 'Landman.'
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Ok, I will, E Langley.
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Hi Maurice Vaughan :) Happy IYW and nice to meet you :) Ahahah! For me, my favorite 2024 movies are two: LOVE LIES BLEEDING and THE BIKERIDERS. My 2024 favorite show is SILO, any doubt! I like movies or show that surprise me, so I am thrilled for what 2025 will bring. I saw INTERSTELLAR many years ago in the theater and it’s a masterpiece. I am happy you saw it now!
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Catherine Cole - we're watching season 2 of LIONESS by Taylor Sheridan. Incredible show.
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Leonardo, thanks for the 'Lioness' heads up. I'll give it a go!
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Happy IYW, Sandra Isabel Correia! Nice to meet you too. Again. :D I saw THE BIKERIDERS. I really like it. It reminds me of the movie THE OUTSIDERS. I watched another episode of SILO the other day. Just when I think the series is going in one direction, it takes off in another.
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Hi, Catherine Cole. I just looked up LANDMAN on IMDb. It reminds me of JUSTIFIED and THERE WILL BE BLOOD.
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LIONESS as a story, is a total fraud/fantasy. Having been in combat, no f-ing way would they place women in such a far forward position where contact with the enemy is frequent and inevitable. I watched the first episode, haven't watched it since....and I love Nicole Kidman.
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Hi, Michael Elliott. I've heard of LIONESS, but I haven't checked it out yet. That's one of the great things about shows, movies, etc. We can make things real that aren't real. Nicole Kidman is a fantastic actress!
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The willing suspension of disbelief in LIONESS is way too much. Now it could be just me but, again, there's a heated debate about having women in essentially ground/infantry combat roles .I believe what we see in LIONESS (again, I've only watched one episode) is someone's wet dream.
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Haha! How do you really feel MIchael?
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Maurice, thanks for the 'heads up' on Justified and There Will Be Blood. I'll view them.
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If you want to watch a movie that accurately shows how a female CIA agent effectively works with a combat unit, go see ZERO DARK THIRTY.
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You're welcome, Catherine Cole. I need to go back and finish JUSTIFIED. I just have so many movies and shows on my list. And I just started watching THE LAST OF US last night. I only watched a little bit of the pilot because the Pitch Practice was last night.
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A surprise hit for me was "Man on the Inside" with Ted Danson. I really enjoyed that. "Sonic 3" was really good. "Dead Pool and Wolverine" was amazing. Beetle Juice was surprisingly good. "Carry On" and Bad Boys: Ride or Die" were so much fun, but the movie that really took it for me was "Godzilla Minus One". Brilliant film.
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Maurice Vaughan I'm going to keep the thread of this sad day going, with the passing of David Lynch and honour his name with, Mulholland Drive.
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Hey, Kevin Jackson. I haven't heard of MAN ON THE INSIDE. I'll have to check it out. I liked BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE, CARRY ON, and BAD BOYS: RIDE OF DIE. And I really liked GODZILLA MINUS ONE and DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE! They were two of my favorite movies last year. I'm looking forward to seeing SONIC 3! I've been dodging spoilers on social media.
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I plan on watching MULHOLLAND DRIVE soon, Geoff Hall. I've heard incredible things about it.
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Yes, both of us saw THE BIKERIDERS and loved it! You see what I say about SILO, it’s unpredictable and that’s one of the thing that blow my mind Maurice Vaughan :))
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I plan on jumping back into SILO next week, Sandra Isabel Correia. Maybe do a binge-watch so I can get to season 2.
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You go to love S2, hurry up :)) I have new episode to see today, I am so excited to see what comes :)) Maurice Vaughan
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Maurice Vaughan My favorite thing (a series) is actually not new (season three likely dropping late this year or 2026). Gangs of London. I recently rewatched the first two seasons for the third time. Episode six of season one is possibly the greatest film viewing experience for me...EVER. From the writing to the acting to the amazing cinematography. Flawless. Granted the show is not for everyone, i.e. it's uber-violent, but it's fantastic. I was almost astounded to learn (last week) that it's actually based on a video game when I tend to loathe video game adaptations in general!
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So far I'm quite enjoying the 1980s Ranma 1/2 anime. They just don't make them like that anymore :')
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Do you know if GANGS OF LONDON is connected to the GANGS OF NEW YORK movie, Mike Childress?
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This is my first time hearing about RANMA 1/2, Banafsheh Esmailzadeh. I'll have to check it out. You mentioned SAILOR MOON on your other post. I watched that growing up, but I didn't know it was anime.
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Hi Maurice, I'm watching squid game season 2 now, it's pretty good so far
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SQUID GAME is one of the best shows I've seen recently, Billy Kwack. It's my favorite show this year. I picked up some screenwriting tips from the show. I'm looking forward to season 3!
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Maurice Vaughan yeah Ranma 1/2 is a good time, though of course some parts of it did not age well, arguably the same with Sailor Moon and quite a lot of other animes from the 80s and 90s. I also watched the dubbed Sailor Moon growing up, subbed is naturally superior lol
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Hi Maurice, I'm on episode 4 now, it's getting better and better
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Happy Introduce Yourself Weekend, Maurice Vaughan! So far, my favorite book this year is Golden Son by Pierce Brown, but it's also the only one that I've finished so far in 2025. That being said, I'm about halfway through The Ashes and the Star Cursed King by Carissa Broadbent and I'm really enjoying it!
Happy Introduce Yourself Weekend, Ashley Renee Smith! Congratulations on finishing a book already! That reminds me, I need to pick my first book to read for the year. I'm thinking a Mystery story. And congratulations on getting about halfway through the second book!
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Well done, Maurice!
Thanks, Charmane Wedderburn. Do you have a favorite movie, show, etc. so far this year?
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Maurice Vaughan I don't think there's a Gangs of New York connection to Gangs of London, they definitely occur in different time periods and regions of course.
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Michael Elliott I, too, have some strong opinions about Lioness, but not trying to drop spoilers. Not surprising it's a Sheridan vehicle given the plot line of Sicario. I do have to admit I am a fan of Mayor of Kingstown.
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Thanks, Mike Childress. I just looked up GANGS OF LONDON. Yeah, I don't think it's connected to GANGS OF NEW YORK. That would've been nice though. I'd like to see another movie or show that's in the GANGS OF NEW YORK universe.
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Maurice Vaughan Yeah, they could do a sequel of the latter that advances the story in time from the first movie since it's based on historical events (although fictionalized).
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Hi Maurice, i just finished squid game season 2, amazing. Your right, can't wait for season 3
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Maurice Vaughan Also did you ever watch the Hannibal series?
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Amel, I view 'Landman' as having more human elements of empathy and deeper relationships. Sure therer's some violence (I came SO close to turning it off during the first 5 minutes of the pilot). The violence seems mesh into the story as the episodes unfold. Yes this is a series filled with quirky, exaggerated characters, plus I have challenges considering Billy Bob as a 'sexy guy' (he's nearly 70!) But knowing Texas and particularly Texas Oil....Give it a go.
I've seen THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, but I haven't seen the HANNIBAL series, Mike Childress. Did you watch the series?
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ARCANE and SHOGUN are incredible, Amel B. Kenza! They're my favorite shows I've watched recently. Those and SQUID GAME. These shows have some of the best writing I've seen!
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Maurice Vaughan Hannibal is really good. Think you will like it.
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Cool, Mike Childress. I just added it to my watch list. I've heard there are other Hannibal movies, but I haven't had a chance to see them yet.
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Good to see you here, Maurice! What is your favorite movie that CAME OUT this year (2024)?
Hey, Brian Smith. Hope you're doing great! I haven't seen any movies that came out this year. I've been catching up on older movies and shows.
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Maurice Vaughan Have you seen the first actual SOTL movie, i.e. Manhunter? A must see if not!
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I haven't seen that yet, Mike Childress, but I remember seeing a promo for it. I'll check it out. Do you like MANHUNTER or SILENCE OF THE LAMBS better?
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Maurice Vaughan Ohhhhh that's like asking me if I prefer Filet Mignon or lobster! I'm almost going to go with the former methinks... There was also a Clarice-based series I was watching on some platform and it just disappeared into non-existence. I can't recall the name off-hand.
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Filet Mignon or lobster. Why choose, Mike Childress? There's more Hannibal/Clarice stories than I thought!
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Mar y Tierra surf n' turf! Yeah a great story overall.
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Maurice Vaughan it’s quite a journey, Maurice!
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Emilia Perez. From the start I couldn't believe how innovative for my all-time cinema experience it is. I felt like I am witnessing formula which was never ever done before with open offer to other creators to copy it. The 2nd and 3d act was abit dissapointing to me like if not making it as good as it can get on purpose focusing on telling the story only. Because of having Selena as lead actress it made me think about analogical situation with music concerts shown in cinemas. Particularly how Taylor could have made much more money but it was stopped to not have too big of a profit record for future musicians
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My favorite script that I read this year would be "Lord of War" by Andrew Niccol. A mere 91 pages yet covers the rise of an arms dealer and a good part of his career, personal life, how it all mixes, it's wild. So much good plot those lean 91 pages. A good read for pacing study.
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Michael Dzurak I actually thoroughly enjoyed that movie. Will have to check out the script.
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EMILIA PÉREZ is on my watchlist, Miroslavas Siniavskis. I don't know much about the story, but that's how I like to watch new movies sometimes. And Zoe Saldana is in the movie.
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Hey, Michael Dzurak. I still need to watch and read LORD OF WAR. I've been meaning to watch the movie for a while. I just looked up the script for anyone who's interested (https://thescriptlab.com/property/lord-of-war/).
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EMILIA PÉREZ is a rare and unforgettable film experience. Fantastic.
Emilia perez not good movie!
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Opinions vary. Like from AMPAS where it received 13 nominations.
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My favorite book this year - BEING HENRY BY HENRY WINKLER. Entertaining, Daily Mail; Revelatory, The Guardian; Lovable, The New York Times; Tender, The Washington Post. Find out what he had trouble with in his career. A great read. My favorite to watch, IT'S THE FONZ!
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And it is so fan dreamlike that Selena was named Jessi just as the main character and name of my tv show BOB & JESSIE on which I have most content from all my projects. Is it that popular name in US that it can't be related with my open jokes I made tagging Selena for marketability attention? For example that she is on the cover of my novel THE IILLIUSION OF LOVE or that she has most lookalike celebrities in the world and even much balliest statements that I will reach highest paying standards (A-list level) just by needing help of 2 celebrities :)
Because in the movie I saw much more fan level content I wrote or know
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Hi, Claude Gagne. I'll have to check out BEING HENRY. "IT'S THE FONZ." That's HAPPY DAYS, right?
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I'm not sure how popular the name Jessie is in the US, Miroslavas Siniavskis. I looked it up, but I wasn't able to find a lot of info about it.
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Maurice, 'Being Henery' begins in an interesting fashion and certainly Henry himself (in real life) has been quite the humanitarian. The part I didn't care for was some relentless trilling about his insecurities. That's fine to include but quickly became boorish and whiny. A great autobiography that's under the radar is Wilmer Valderramas' story. Yes.... Wilmer frorm
That 70s Show'. It's powerful and his life continues to be even more so. A GREAT immigrant, family and philanthropist story!
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Thanks, Catherine Cole. BEING HENRY shows interesting. I haven't read many autobiographies. I guess now's a great time to start since one of my goals this year is to read more books.
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Biographies, especially Auto-biographies provide terrific character insights. Even if an Auto-biography has a ghost writer (and nearly all do) I think they're story telling at its' best.
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Maurice, if you're into rock music at all, I've written two nonfiction music-related biography books).
Reintroducing Chuck Mosley is about chuck mosley (faith no more, bad brains, cement) and I embarking on his comeback tour (I played conga) and our two year odyssey, which unfortunately came to halt when he died in 2017.
Break When I'm Dead is an autobiography I ghost wrote for Christian "Opus" Lawrence a drummer from Connecticut who has played/recorded/toured with many people over the years. Its a blue collar musician story that we started writing two months before the world (and his whole livelihood) came to a halt for covid.
Hey, Douglas Esper. I'm not a big rock fan, but I listen to different rock bands (Aerosmith is my favorite), and I listen to rock when I write scripts sometimes. Are the books already out?
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yes, both books are out via scoutmedia books and music and can be found on amazon/barnes and noble etc. Neither book requires the reader to be a rock/metal fan, aside from understanding some pop culture references maybe. Both books are human stories...one about life on the road as an elder musician with baggage trying to comeback and the other is about a hustling musician in his prime forced to cancel a couple years of plans due to covid.
oddly enough, chuck, the guy I toured with, along with aerosmith are often credited as the first people to blend rap and rock.
Congratulations, Douglas Esper! I added them to my read list.
"oddly enough, chuck, the guy I toured with, along with aerosmith are often credited as the first people to blend rap and rock." That's cool. I think the cover version of Walk This Way was the first rap/rock song I heard. I remember playing the Aerosmith video game growing up.
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thanks. yeah, Chuck's band had a song called We Care A Lot that came out the year before and was a minor hit...it's on the soundtrack to movies like Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Grosse Pointe Blank, Bio-Dome, The Pope's Exorcist, and was the theme song to the tv show Dirty Jobs.
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You're welcome, Douglas Esper. Those are well-known movies. I'll see if I can find We Care A Lot on YouTube. I might've already heard it since it's in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 3.
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I just listened to We Care A Lot, Douglas Esper. Yeah, I've heard it before. It's a catchy song. It would work great in one of the scripts I'm outlining. Maybe one day it'll be in the movie.
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My favorite movie is, "It's a Wonderful Life".
It truly is a movie that is deep and moving, and reminds me how wonderful life can be, especially the connections we makes with others.
Hi, Charmane Wedderburn. IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE is one of my favorite Christmas movies, but it's a great movie to watch anytime.
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Hi Maurice! The movie addresses many of life's dark moments.