Based in Melbourne, Australia, I'm just starting out in what I hope will become my new career as a writer. I've written a couple of spec scripts in addition to a full-blown pilot which I'm excited to share with people.
Looking forward to connecting with you! :)
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It's great to meet you, Patrick Hearne. Here are two blogs for up-and-coming screenwriters:
Stage 32 has other screenwriting resources:
Screenwriting Lounge:
Screenwriting Blogs:
Screenwriting Education:
Script Services:
The Writers’ Room: (you can sign up for your first month of membership free here
Also, I suggest adding more information to your profile bio. It’ll help you build relationships/network on here. You could add things to your bio like why you became a screenwriter, your accomplishments, your goals, and what movies and shows you like.
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Welcome to Stage 32, Patrick Hearne!
The best way to network here on Stage 32, is to be involved and active within the lounges on a regular basis. They're our public discussion spaces where you can pose questions that you may have, provide advice or insights, and share news/announcements that interest you. Posting and commenting in the lounges is the best way to be seen and noticed. You can find them all by clicking here:
In addition to the great links that Maurice shared, you should also check out this blog about all the ways you can make the most out of your time here on Stage 32, following Introduce Yourself Weekend:
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Hi, nice to meet you as well. What type of genres do you like to write?
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Great to have you here Patrick! We have so many great Stage 32 members from Australia. What film or TV inspires you?
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Thank you for the warm welcome everyone. And thank you Maurice and Ashley for sending through those links. I'll be sure to check them out!
I've just written in the genre of fiction/drama, but I intend to start writing a script for a feature-length horror towards the end of this year or early next year.
I'm also eager to give comedy a go down the track.
In terms of what inspired me, I think House MD is what sent me down the rabbit hole of TV and cinema over 10 years ago now. But I also love shows like Breaking Bad, Avatar the Last Airbender, Doctor Who and the Crown, just to name a few.
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You're welcome, Patrick Hearne. Keep us posted on your projects!
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Nice to meet a fellow writer named Patrick!
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So great to meet you here in the community, Patrick Hearne! Your list of inspirations include many of my favs. What's your TV pilot about (if you can share :)?
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Great to meet you, Patrick Hearne! House and Breaking Bad are some of my favorite shows.
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Great to meet you Patrick Hearne ! You're in the right place. Avatar: TLA (animated version) has some really great writing. Loved the world building. I have yet to watch the live action version but I will.