Introduce Yourself

Whether you're new to the site or have been a long standing member of the community, step forward and introduce yourself. And please welcome and support all that do post.

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Jack Binder

Hello Stage 32! I'm Jack Binder, honored to be a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. As a producer, line producer, executive producer, and DGA UPM I've learned the key to longevity in this business is perseverance. Keep up the hard work, keep growing, keep learning has been a mantra of mine, going on 30 year...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Jack Binder. I hope you're having a great year! Kevin Costner, Ben Affleck, and Adam Sandler are some of my favorite actors. I'm looking forward to seeing Yellowstone, The Accountant 2, and Happy...

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Sam Sokolow

Jack Binder - always a pleasure to see you in the community, brother! While your mantras may include keep learning, growing and working hard - mantras for us all to incorporate - your experience is a...

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Jack Binder

Thank you Sam Sokolow, that's very kind and likewise! I admire your hard work here for the community! Bravo!

Jack Binder

Hi @MauriceVaughan Likewise and I hope you have a great year in 2025!

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Jack Binder. Hope you have a great year as well!

Zee Risek

Hi all, Zee here. I'm an animation professional expanding my career into live action. I like to introduce myself by saying, "I am more handsome than ten movie stars." Then my wife always adds, "Yeah, Golem, Frankenstein's Monster, The Toxic Avenger, Jabba The Hutt, Slimer, Basket Case, Sloth from Th...

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Zee Risek

Hi Cyrus. It's always great to meet another animation professional. I'm a 2D animator. I've done just about everything there is to do in animation, character design, storyboards, writer, art director,...

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Geoff Hall

Zee Risek hahaha, Zee. Your wife is a wise woman with a cutting wit! How are you doing? What are you working on at the moment?

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to Stage 32, Zee Risek! The best way to network here on Stage 32, is to be involved and active within the lounges on a regular basis. I love that you're already interacting in the Animation Lo...

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Zee Risek

Hello Geoff. Your life story is incredible. Thanks for sharing that, it's inspiring. Right now I'm writing scripts for several projects my wife and I came up with together. We have several projects we...

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Sydney S

So glad to hear you're really loving Stage 32 so far!

B.K. Coposky
A Complete Unknown

I saw the movie the other night... it was excellent! But I feel the title also describes my career. I've been an independent producer for over 30 years, darting in and out of the film industry and as a technical director for theatre. I have always wanted to make a mark, create a name for myself in t...

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Home | Riwayat Films Intern
Home | Riwayat Films Intern
Welcome To Riwayat Films International A Boutique Film Production Company Riwayat Films International is a boutique film production company that specializes in producing films with a focus on diversit…
Maurice Vaughan

Hey, B.K. Coposky. An international fashion tourism TV series sounds interesting. Hope you get your Crime Action Thriller into production by end of year! And hope you get the capital for your streamin...

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Sam Sokolow

Hey B.K. Coposky - great to see you here in the community. We can always learn and meet new friends to work with and talk business and life with. Super cool that you're doing just that here!...

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B.K. Coposky

Thank you both, Maurice and Sam

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, B.K. Coposky.

Sam Rivera

Love your play on the title! I think that is also what makes Bob's work so universal but hearing your own "complete unknown" story is great to hear, say, have you ever thought of joining the Writers' Room?

Eon C. Rambally
Happy IYW & Our Present World

Hi to all stage 32s new pre-existing! Music & Film: An interesting subject!

I'm late..

I'm the Writer-Director Producer of two short films The World of Thought Perception & Creativity and The Human Brain & The Game of Chess, in process to extend to feature lengths. One of criteria in attracting atten...

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Maurice Vaughan

Happy Introduce Yourself Weekend, Eon C. Rambally! Better late than never. :D How are you?

Eon C. Rambally

Sure right Maurice Vaughan! I've made progress with general preparations for 2025 including for the printing of the T-Shirts previously mentioned in December. Just awaiting other matters to conclude a...

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Maurice Vaughan

No problem, Eon C. Rambally. Congratulations on the progress!

Noël Savignano
Author and Screenwriter Exploring Universal Themes in Science Fiction

Hello everyone,

My name is Noël Savignano, and I am an author and screenwriter based in Kelowna, Canada. I am currently working on adapting my novel, Nino: The Warrior's Journey / Le Voyage du Guerrier, into a screenplay. with CelTX.

The story blends science fiction, spirituality, and personal transfo...

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Maurice Vaughan

It's great to meet you, Noël Savignano. Welcome to the community. Here's a blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32 and connect with creatives:

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Val Gyorke
Production Designer

Hi everyone, I'm Val Gyorke, and I'm a freelance production designer here to do all things art department. I love designing for film, and can't wait to meet more design creatives here on Stage 32.

You can check out some of my work here: or you can connect with m...

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Valerie Gyorke
Valerie Gyorke
Design © All rights reserved. All personal images are owned by Val Gyorke unless otherwise stated/credited.Images may not be downloaded, manipulated, or reproduced with…
Maurice Vaughan

I just check...

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Sam Sokolow

Your website is super impressive, Val Gyorke. Awesome work. Flagging this for my network in case any filmmakers are looking for a Production Designer.

Sylwia Dubzinska
Hi Everyone!

Hi Everyone! Im Sylwia, Im a DGA Assistant Director working in Los Angeles.   I 1st AD and Key 2nd but climbed the ranks from PA to Trainee to  running basecamp and 2nd 2nd so Ive run the gambit. I also produce now on low budget features.  I recently taught 2 courses on Stage 32, one on Keying and o...

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Sylwia Dubzinska

Amanda Toney imposter syndrome is hella real and I think especially relevant in a lot of ways for us ladies. Mindfulness would be my recommendation. Especially try meditations on confidence. I know it...

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Xochi Blymyer

Hello, I know you. Good to see you here.

Nick Phillips

Hello Sylwia Dubzinska! Great to meet you! What you guys do is such a vital part of the process, and it's so great that you're imparting your wisdom and experience here on Stage 32. What's coming up f...

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Sam Sokolow

It's awesome seeing you here on IYW, Sylwia Dubzinska. I love your advice on imposter syndrome and meditation/mindfulness - it's so important to approach the work from a grounded and confident place....

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Leonardo Ramirez

I love your perseverance Sylwia Dubzinska. Congratulations on the journey you've traveled, the obstacles you've overcome and what is yet to be!

Douglas Esper
Introduce Myself (right on!)

Hello Potential Networking connections,

I am an actor/musician from Cleveland, Ohio. Last April, I was set to play a detective in a slasher flick, but the production was delayed an entire year as the main cast member got a role in a long-running theater production. I used the unexpected free-time to...

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Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Douglas Esper. My year's took off running! I'm working on a few projects. "Whodunnit set during a freak storm on a mountain." I love Whodunnit movies. I'm never seen one set during a freak sto...

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Douglas Esper

Sam, thanks. Seems like a strong community, growing bigger. I have looked at the writer's room info and it seems like a helpful resource. I think i need to get a few more screenplays under my belt (an...

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Suzanne Bronson

Hi Douglas Esper . Thank you for introducing yourself. I do love a good whodunnit movie. A blizzard where people are stranded is a great idea. Sound like a horror setting too. Maurice- Two movies come...

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Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Suzanne Bronson. It does sound like a Horror setting too. I love CLUE. I haven't seen AND THEN WERE NONE. I just added it to my watch list. Thanks.

Douglas Esper

Suzanna, thanks, and yes, those are two great whodunnit movies ( and books and a board game, heh). My screenplay is set out in the storm, so it has a man (and woman) vs. nature survival plot as well....

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Miguel Miller
I’m Miguel Miller, a filmmak…

I’m Miguel Miller, a filmmaker driven by a deep passion for storytelling and the art of cinema. As a writer and director, I’ve dedicated my career to crafting narratives that challenge perspectives, ignite emotions, and leave lasting impressions.

With a focus on originality and depth, I thrive on cre...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Miguel Miller. Great to meet you. I think films should challenge perspectives, ignite emotions, and leave lasting impressions as well. Is EYE EVA online to watch?...

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Miguel Miller

I haven't made this movie, I have the script. but i have some other on my personal page.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the link, Miguel Miller. I'm about to check out your website.

Maurice Vaughan

Your films sound interesting and look great, Miguel Miller!

Doug Kayne
Grab a bowl of Busch's Baked Beans and Introduce Yourself!

Time flies when we're having fun (we're having fun, right?). And, so, we find ourselves with another Introduce Yourself Weekend. And, as has become a bit of a trademark for me, there's another theme. Five points to whoever can figure out the theme. And, if you get it, expect confetti...just like the...

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Copyright @2024 Those Four Misfits. All Rights Reserved
Simon Alveranga

Hey Doug, I love Sci-Fi comedy! Have you ever watched Red Dwarf? its genius and also features a crew that have to run a huge ship after the crew are taken out! It was my favorite sitcom on TV for years!

Mike Childress

Simon Alveranga I was going to sample Red Dwarf on BritBox a while back, and then saw there are thirteen seasons!

Doug Kayne

Hey, Simon Alveranga! i’ve watched the first few seasons of Red Dwarf. it’s been a while, so I probably should revisit it at some point. I do recall enjoying it.

Sam Sokolow

Hey Doug Kayne - Nick Phillips beat me to it. Awesome list and game. It always helps when you add P-Funk to the mix. I actually got meet Rip Taylor once - he walked in and sprayed confetti everywhere...

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Doug Kayne

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, Sam Sokolow. Don’t you worry…if and when GOING COMMANDER becomes a series, EVERYONE is going to know!

Carolfrances Likins
Calling socially conscious filmmakers!

I’m a screenwriter. I am looking to connect with other people who just in believe that our filmmaking can lead to more understanding and more compassion for other people, that film can enlighten people, unite, and empower us. From anti-war and feminist plays written by the Greeks hundreds of years b...

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Simon Alveranga

HI there, I am si, a London, UK based producer and I am very interested in the idea of film and TV being used to raise consciousness!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Carolfrances Likins. Great to meet you. Here's a recent blog that could help you make connections on Stage 32:

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Allen Brown Jr.

Hi, Carolfrances,

I would love to have a moe indpeth conversation about this as I am a believer in Christ and working towards creating content that reaches niche audiences with the gospel in multiple genres outside of "faith-based" ..

Michael Elliott

"If you want to send a message, try Western Union". Frank Capra.

Sam Sokolow

I am with you, Carolfrances Likins! I believe that films and series can change the people watching them and if you can change one person you can change the world. There will always be a place for pure...

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Michele Lastella
Happy New Year to all story telling heroes! :)

Hello dear friends,

To all of you, from crew to writers to actors to directors, all of us are those who give dreams, laughs, and another vision to the masses.

Under the suggestion of @MauriceVaughan who has been a great guide since here on Stage 32, I accepted his advice and inspiration to share my ex...

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Michele Lastella

Thanks for your kind welcome. It's the same to find you here. I would be honored to work with you guys on Stage 32 on this project. Working together will empower us and make it happen.

Michele Lastella

Thanks Nick Phillips, very glad to be in touch here with you too and as I said to Sam would be happy to collaborate on this project with you here anytime you feel to build up worldwide impact on makin...

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Michele Lastella

Hello Giulia Marzano , Thanks for your encouraging words, even more as you have Italian origins like myself and I am in Italy as well and very often lately in this period for The Star Is You project....

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Michele Lastella

Hi Pat Savage ver kind of you, Thanks. I hope so and also to have a chance to know you better and interact with you as as artist and fellow friend as well.

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