What’s going on gang??? Man listen, so it’s been about a year since I’ve joined and I haven’t really been on here that said I do follow the platform and RB (whaddup kid) on Instagram. I’ve heard him say just the other day and heard him say many a time how important networking. That said as I agree with him you’ll notice that for the year I have been extremely quiet. I just felt as though I needed to be able to show something you have something tangible or at least in the works prior to engaging.
So here’s the skinny I’ve started writing about a year ago. I started writing my first feature, and from there entered into various short, writing competitions, one of which someone at my gym was conducting. Work with a production company that would produce the winning script. Needless to say they did follow through with the competition Oh well. I did, however, let Someone I became friendly with through the same gym and just having to be a stunt man read the script. his response was so when are we going to shoot? He had a friend who happened to be a stunt as well who was interested in directing and said that he’d like to shoot the short with me. I thought that’s F’in cool. In the mix of all this, my dad passed and he was diagnosed with brain cancer and therefore unable to shoot the short. Again, I do pay attention, although I may not have the networking the way that I should’ve been. One thing that I noticed early on in this business is that no one cares! I say that to say, we all have trials and tribulation. We all are striving to have our stories heard if you sit and wait for the Calvary to come you will be sitting and waiting and sitting and waiting and sitting……You get the point!
So Although I had no idea of what the hell I was doing, I knew I had a story to tell!!! I am a huge cinema geek! I grew up watching Alfred Hitchcock Stanley Kubrick, Benny Hill, David Lynch, Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino Christopher Nolan and Rod Serling as a few of my faves. I figured if I could emulate what I saw with them, I may be able to put something decent togethe. so I did what any good American would do nowadays said F it and gorged YouTube videos and Instagram. I had never touched. The camera had no idea what short speed was had no idea how to shot select had no idea how to storyboard had no idea how to do table reads had no idea what blocking was with framing was. I just knew I wanted to shoot my film. I was blessed Crazy enough to believe in my vision and participate in the film so I dragged my little daughter with me had her to hold the boom mic and off I was.
my next challenge was editing OMG!! I figured how hard could it be turns out pretty effing hard!! That only is their fluidity, not only is there sound design not just making sure the levels are right To enhance your message, then there’s color grading………. GOOD LORD!!!
All in all The first day of shooting was July 26. I am beyond a static to say that I am going to be hosting a viewing party come the end of February for My first short that I wrote, produced, filmed, and edited all on my own, MATTHEW 7. Not only have I done that in the process of all this I have also written five shorts in the middle of a rewrite for my feature. I have log lines for three For other series and I will be going into production for my first series come, March
So that’s me extremely ecstatic to be here happy to meet new people, and I am so appreciative of the opportunity to make new friends…. Scream at me!!!(That means please say hi) Lolololol
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Hi, Cashimear Oparah. Great to meet you. Did you see this blog about making connections and collaborating? www.stage32.com/blog/the-importance-of-community-and-collaboration-in-th......
Expand commentHi, Cashimear Oparah. Great to meet you. Did you see this blog about making connections and collaborating? www.stage32.com/blog/the-importance-of-community-and-collaboration-in-th...
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Hey Cashimear Oparah - its great to see you here in the community! Are you working on anything currently as a writer, actor or director that you're excited about?