As a Stage 32 Executive Consultant and the author of the award-winning book “Take a Shot at Happiness: How to Write, Direct, & Produce the Life You Want,” I am excited to host this Wednesdays’s AMA session.
My book’s journey from synopsis to publication has been a mix of hard work, dedication, and a whole lot of belief in my words. It is an honor to have received accolades like two National Indie Excellence Awards (Winner for Wellbeing and Finalist for Personal Growth) and the Nautilus Silver Award for Creativity and Innovation. Best Holistic Life Magazine also voted it the Best Personal Growth Book for 2024, and it made it onto the US Review of Books “recommended” reading list.
While these accolades are incredibly rewarding, I can tell you that getting a book from synopsis to publication takes a lot of butt-in-the-seat time and a good strategy. I am here to answer your questions and help you navigate your book journey.
Ask me about things like:
- Writing a book proposal
- How I got my literary agent
- The level of support you can expect from a publisher
- Whether you should go with a publisher or self-publish
I look forward to supporting you. So, ask away, and let me help you get your book into the world!
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Multi-POV is so so so so difficult to pull off Ashley Renee Smith . I never want to stifle anyone's creativity but I'm of the opinion that you need to get good at single POV before embarking on multi....
Expand commentMulti-POV is so so so so difficult to pull off Ashley Renee Smith . I never want to stifle anyone's creativity but I'm of the opinion that you need to get good at single POV before embarking on multi. I see a lot of new authors jumping right into multi because of it becoming more popular. So for anyone who wants to give it a try, I say go for it as a creative challenge, but first read some great examples. "Remarkably Bright Creatures" did it well, and so did "The Orphan Master's Son," though in that second case, it's more of a POV shift. "As I Lay Dying" is another multi-POV that's really effective. Personally, I prefer using omniscient narrative voice when I need to show multiple perspectives so that the reader stays anchored, but that's just me!
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Currently writing a multiple POV novel for the first time. 3 POVs that switch from chapter to chapter. The POV part isn't what I'm struggling with, so much as the first person present tense. It definitely helps that I made a thorough outline before starting.
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First person present tense is quite limiting and difficult to deftly do. First person all tenses gives you and the reader so much more flexibility. Regardless, good luck to you with your novel, Terrence, and may you enjoy the process very much.