Friends - we just test-screen the trailer for our picture, and we found that the top of the frame was cut off - apparently we've got an aspect ratio problem. We shot in 4K (1.89:1). The closest to that for theatres seems to be "flat" - 1.85:1. We're going to check to see if the theatre's projector is set to that, of course, but wondering what other folks did to adjust or compensate for differing aspect ratios?
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The projector should have a setting for aspect. In film projection it used to be a matching aspect gate.
Otherwise, a new conversion of the file to that aspect might work. That can be done from the editing software or there are third-party converters.
Alternately, a zoom out in the editing software of the entire file yet keeping 1:89:1 aspect to fit in the projector aspect would also work. 3% smaller should be close.