Hello all, I'm Brian aka Dj Kode Red, a film composer, songwriter and mixing engineer from Detroit. I just hope I can bridge the gap between film makers and my music. I am constantly creating new music weekly to keep my skills sharp and it's a beautiful when I get inquires for music placements. I just wanted to introduce myself, make some new friends, clients, business partners or whatever with whoever is listening. Talk to you all soon
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Hi Brian - what types of music do you focus on creating?
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Sam Sokolow I focus on all kinds of music but it usually has male vocals with a hip hop flair. Right now I'm creating fun, up beat, uplifting, celebration music its a mix between orchestra and hip-hop. It also depends on the project I'm working on with a client. Why do you ask?
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Welcome, Brian Williams! You should also check out our Composing Lounge! https://www.stage32.com/lounge/composing
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Ashley Renee Smith thank you will do
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There are so many great people here in the composing field. Great to have you aboard.
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Debbie Elicksen thanks nice to meet you. What's going on?
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Brian Williams Welcome aboard! Some of us Film Folks do music videos too. A great crossover, not to mention that if you sound engineer you can score films, and furthermore perhaps even work on the set with recordings. It all crosses over.
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Brian Williams do you have a particular genre that you love the most?