Hello everyone, I wish you all happiness and health. Firstly, I am new here. My name is Johan and I am 24 years old. This platform caught my attention, and I had many questions, the most important of which is how to start writing and writing. We all have dreams and ambitions that need an opportunity, even if they are... Small, I have many stories and books, I was even writing a novel, but unfortunately they are in the wrong place. It will put you in a closed chain from which you will not be freed. Thank you for listening, and I hope in the end there are people who will answer.
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Welcome to the community, Youku Youhan. It's great to meet you. Some screenwriters outline their scripts, and some screenwriters jump right into writing their scripts. I outline mine. Outlining helps me figure out things and avoid writing myself into a corner.
If you want to outline your scripts, I suggest checking out these webinars:
"Outlining Your Feature Screenplay" www.stage32.com/education/products/outlining-your-feature-screenplay
"20 Steps to Planning and Writing a Memorable Scene" www.stage32.com/education/products/20-steps-to-planning-and-writing-a-me...
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Hello. Can write what you would want to see. Imagine how you could improve similar movies and WRITE THAT DOWN.
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It's always great to try to synthesize your ideas into outlines. Take the key elements of your story - the plot, the characters, and how you want your story to impact people - and write them down, then arrange them in a way that's pleasing to you. The key is to be flexible and understand things can and will change as you move towards completion. But with writing the best way to do it is to just jump right in. Give yourself grace to not get it perfect the first time and when you're starting out, it's always key to schedule dedicated writing time for yourself. Even if it's just 30 mins a couple times per week, getting in the groove and letting your creativity splash out onto the page will help you turn your ideas into stories
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I have ideas, but how do I post them here with producers?
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It'd be better if you had scripts instead of just ideas, Youku Youhan. Some producers are fine with hearing ideas, but a lot of them want writers to have completed scripts when they pitch.
You can post your scripts on your profile once you've written them. Producers search profiles on here for projects. Click the gear symbol in the top right-hand corner and select “Edit profile” in the drop-down menu. Scroll down to “Loglines” and click “Add/edit loglines” to the right of “Loglines.” You can also post your scripts on your profile this way (near the top where it says “Add a Logline”): www.stage32.com/loglines
You can also pitch your scripts to executives, managers, etc. through Stage 32's Pitch Sessions (www.stage32.com/scriptservices/pitch-sessions). The Pitch Sessions are mainly to get feedback on pitches, but members have gotten managers, signed shopping agreements, etc. through the sessions (www.stage32.com/scriptservices/success-stories).
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Hi, Johan! I'm also a novelist and new to screenwriting. I think the writing process is unique to every individual, some people like to plot, some people like to dive right in, and others (like me) like to do a bit of both. I find that plotting helps but when I'm actually writing I often come up with even better developments than anticipated. I'd say try to find your own flow and see what kind of magic happens :)
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Hello, the problem is how do I promote?
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Hi Youku.
To be a screenwriter. You start by studying the craft. Screenplays have a particular style and format, totally different from writing a book.
Step 1 - Get 3 books on screenwriting. I suggest - "The Screenwriters Bible", "Save the Cat", and "How NOT to write a screenplay". You should also read a few screenplays.
Step 2 - Next get yourself a couple of notepads and pens, and Screenwriting software. I use WritersDuet and Final Draft. There are others. The important thing is to use what you feel comfortable with and can save the finished product as a PDF.
Step 3 - On the pads of paper outline your story, make sure it has interesting characters, a full rich story, conflict within the story, character growth, and a darn good ending.
Step 4 - Write the screenplay using your screenwriting software. There may be long sleepless nights, or days of confusion and writers block.
Step 5 - Have people read and critique. Whether you pay for professional script readers, enter contests, or friends who will tell you the truth.
Getting from your head, to the page, to the screenplay can be a daunting task, which can take months. Getting good enough to actually get a movie made, can take years or even decades. But if that's what you really want to do...Good luck.
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I learned screenwriting by no-budget filming. If you are not comfortable with directing actors, you may instead animate, or create one doll for each character. Create something short, and learn from the experience. When you see what works, it will become easier for you to write.