Screenwriting : Getting an agent by Jodi Lawaich

Jodi Lawaich

Getting an agent

I've been wanting to get an agent for some time, but don't really know an effective way to do so. Has anyone had success landing an agent, and if so, how did you do it? Thanks.

Doug Nelson

Asking this question says that you're new to the game and every new screenwriter asks the same. The true answer is that you do not get an Agent - an Agent will find you. Keep in mind that an Agent only earns a living by promoting/selling your work. So write some killer stuff, participate in seminars/festivals/retreats.. wherever agents gather in your part of the world. Become an active participant and one day an agent will approach you and say something like "I'd love to read some of your work". It happened to me, it'll happen for you - but the key is to get out among 'em and participate.

Jodi Lawaich

great, thanks! I'm not new per se - I've been doing things on my own locally for a number of years, and have been focused on being a parent. My daughter is in high school now, so I've got more time to focus on my creative projects and on really moving forward with them. I also (finally!) have time to really start networking.

Dan MaxXx

I wrote a spec and an Agent decided I was worth the time and potential. Reps are sellers. They don't make $$ unless I have something to show. So I gotta pump scripts, 3 a year. I am year 1 of a 5-year plan but Im trying to cut the line and attach Talent on my own. Doesn't get easier with a Rep. Lots of talented unemployed Writers. (Oh, I think Ive sent out over 300 equeries in a year. Get used to rejection. It's a numbers game.)

Anthony Moore

I'm in the same boat. Won a couple of contests, I'm sending out queries and waiting to hear back.

Jodi Lawaich

great, thank you!

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