CELEBRATE FREEDOM SCREENPLAY CONTEST MGN FIVE STAR CINEMA, GLENDALE MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 2015 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM PRESENTED BY THE GLENDALE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL AND VELVET RHODES PRODUCTIONS A GALA EVENT WHERE YOU CAN WATCH SCREENPLAYS READ BY PROFESSIONAL ACTORS, HAVE SOME GOOD FOOD, GOOD DRINKS AND GREAT COMPANY! Do you have a screenplay that you would like to have read by professional actors and voted on by the audience? You can now submit 5-7 pages of your screenplay (pdf), have it read at our Celebrate Freedom Screenplay Reading, and the screenplay with the most votes by the audience wins $100 cash! 1. Select the first 5-7 pages or a scene from your screenplay; 2. Pay your $25.00 submission fee at www.velvetrhodesproductions.com; 3. Email your screenplay scene (in PDF format) to velvet@velvetrhodesproductions.com. You must be present or have a representative present to win and this is a guaranteed reading. Audience tickets are $10.00 and may be purchased at: www.velvetrhodesproductions.com
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Website cannot be displayed.... not a good sign.....
Lisa, You can go broke writing...lol
Did you check out the 'trailer' for her web series. Now THAT'S scary ...