Screenwriting : Suppressor by Rich Lane

Rich Lane


Hi everyone. My name is Rich and I am looking for some general feedback on my second feature length script. I am giving away a limited number of copies at use the CODE: Suppress. I would love to hear what you think. Thank you.

Suppressor (Screenplay)
Suppressor (Screenplay)
The Suppressor, armed only with home made gadgets, a pieced together suit, and abilities discovered by unlocking his subconscious, fights to save a struggling city.When the long arm of the law can rea…
Stacy Gentile

Do I understand this correctly -- you are charging $3 to read your screenplay?

Beth Fox Heisinger

...Yeah, we don't pay each other to review peer work. As you know, most writers here either post a logline, or a synopsis, or a script to share with the community. Members can then post comments and offer their thoughts and support. Some prefer to send script pdfs privately through email for review. Plus, with all the other platforms out there to view scripts for free, I really don't see anyone willing to pay to read a spec script. Anyway, I took a look at your Stage 32 personal page and I'd suggest rewriting your logline. What you've written is actually a tag line. :) Best to you!

Anthony Cawood

Full marks for entrepeneurship.

Pierre Langenegger

Rich, I have a couple of questions. I'm curious as to how many script downloads you've sold at $3 a pop. I'm also curious how many free downloads how been taken up. I also thought "Let's have a look at this before I make any comment" but I can't view anything as it seems to open a blank epub file. Do I need to install software to view this? Hats off to you for trying to come up with a non conventional way to make money from a spec script but at this stage in your career, exposure is paramount to success and this venture would most likely have the opposite effect. Think about it this way, you're asking a producer to pay to read you spec, you're then asking them to load new software to read your spec. You're asking them to go out of their way and put in extra effort to read your spec. I can't see that happening and in fact I can't see them ever wanting to read your spec because of this. I can only assume this method would cancel out any potential exposure to your spec. Just upload it to your logline page and I guarantee you'll get more reads.

Rich Lane

no I'm giving out a limited number to people once the give aways are all gone I'm hoping to create a buzz that will sell copies so I can fund the film myself if I have to. note the CODE: Suppress for 100% off until they are gone

Rich Lane

Pierre Langenegger not sure why it isn't showing up it shouldn't need special software to view I'll have to check in to that. Looks like I need to do a log line for it as I have done a tag instead. again sorry for the confusion but it is FREE for a limited number of downloads with the CODE: Suppress to avoid confusing more people lol

Rich Lane

Stacy Gentile it is FREE limited copies you use CODE:Suppress for 100% off

Rich Lane

Sam Boseley, Beth Fox Heisinger , Owen Mowatt sorry for the confusion I hope I have put that to rest with my responses. Thank you for bringing this subject to my attention. I'll see how I can make it clearer in future posts. I appreciate your responses.

Anthony Cawood

@ Alle - no you don't, you love to be brutal ;-) However Rich, I'm afraid to say that Alle is right, no matter how good the story is in your script, no one will read far enought, in this format, to find out. As Sam said, get Celtx or some other screewriting software, and put your script into it. Then go through line by line to make sure the formatting is right, consult Trottiers 'Screenwriting Bible' if needed and then go though your story again. As it stands, if anyone did pay $3 for this, they'd probably not be pleased with what they get. Good luck with re-writing.

Rachel Cann

if you said this to me....brutal is great IMHO

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Hey Rich: I Agree with Alle on the formatting issues. It's worth the money to buy Final Draft, Celtx or Movie Magic. And there are a number of lesser known products. If you’re strapped for cash, there are several MS Word templates to help you properly format your screenplay. Here is a link to one of the free ones: I read three pages and stopped reading it. I suggest that you look at some professional screenplays to get a better idea on how to craft a compelling story. For example, if you are trying to write something like “Transformers”, I would download and read the script. My hat’s off to you for having the courage to share your work. I wish you the best of luck.

Danny Manus

I don't always like it when Alle gets brutal but holy shit is it well deserved in this case. You wanna charge people $3 to read that mess? As a consultant, I charge YOU to read the script not the other way around. Applaud the entrepreneurship but write something worth paying for.

Phil Mitchell

Check out "Movie Draft" it's cheap and they give you a FREE trial

Rich Lane

Alle Segretti Thank you for you straight forward breakdown of the issues I'll take the suggestions into consideration as I look back through to make improvements.

Rich Lane

Anthony Cawood thank you I will check that out I have been using an older version of movie magic screen writer and I guess the format is not up to date.

Rich Lane

Phillip E. Hardy thank you... I guess the movie magic I have from college days is out dated now I will check into some newer gear.

Rich Lane

Danny Manus well I will definately take the advice here and give it a work over so you don't miss out on what is to be a great story and film. thanks

Rich Lane

Phil Mitchell Thank you I will do that.

Jeff Thieme $49.95. Outputs to multiple formats, including FDX. And, in my opinion, much better than FD in all regards.

Rich Lane

Jeff Thieme much appreciated I will take a look at that option as well. Thank you.

Stacy Gentile

I would respond but afraid it would come at me $1.50

Rich Lane

Stacy Gentile not sure I follow that but ok

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Alle: YES YES,YES!!! And since you used two exclamation points, I have used three. My dear dogmatic, dove of wisdom, like many other comments you offer, you are very rigid in your thinking. I have merely offered Rich some suggestions. I completely disagree with you on reading professional level scripts to help you write better; and can see no reason why that would inhibit anyone's creativity. Or that it would necessarily follow that by reading Transformers or Lawrence of Arabia for that matter, that young Rich would produce a carbon copy. Tis called learn by example for a reason. And is there an echo in this room? I thought I offered Rich a link where he can create a template?

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Owen, she often blows a great wind, but nothing comes out of the horn.

Anthony Cawood

@Rich - just so you understand that you will always get different opinions, that's fine... BUT I think I'm safe to say that everyone on this forum disagree with Alle when she makes statements as she had above. 1) Software - of course software doesn't write the script, BUT it does make it much easier for the writer as they don;t have to worry about a lot of the formatting pieces, the software does it for you. That's why everyone on here uses specific screenwrtitng software of on type or another. (Alle may not!) 2) Everyone on here would advise that reading scripts of sucessful, produced, movies is a great learning resource. The idea that they would influence you to the extent of copying is spurious, and on that basis you shouldn't watch movies either! 3) No one on here would 'beg' anyone to read their scripts, Stage 32 is a collaborative community, ask away people will try and help. @Alle - you'll see we've all returned to our normal comments, though we'd all love to have more positive things to you more often. How are your scripts doing making the rounds of the 'higher echelons'? Kirstie Allie attached still? Anthony

William G Chandler Jr

Hey Rich. Very cool.

James Chalker

"Everyone on here uses specific screenwriting software...." I don't. I have no problem with Word. Changing margins, using tab keys and the like has never once sent me into the fetal position. My stuff is formatted as well as anything that's ever come out of Final Draft or any other screenwriting software. If you want to use screenwriting software that's fine, but I have no doubt that Final Draft and the others sell lots of software to people who never finish even one screenplay.

Dee Chu

I made macros with word. I use Final Draft exclusively.

Anthony Cawood

@james - my point was that specific software makes it easier for new screenwriters. If you like Word, go for it. As to FD and selling software, er well of course they do, as do Microsoft with Word - neither are free. There is however Celtx and Writers Duet, both have free options I believe, do the formatting leg work and export to PDFs so they'd make good options for Rich... Which was the point of my post, helping Rich, not a debate on Word as a screenwriting tool - I don't really mind what you or he uses, as long as you are happy and the formatting is right.

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

@ James, I can almost always tell when a script has been written in Word. I think if a screenwriter is serious they should just buy screenwriting software.

Rich Lane

Phillip E. Hardy you did offer a link and I downloaded the file yesterday. Thank you

Rich Lane

William G Chandler Jr Thank you I appreciate that.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Rich: You are most welcome and keep writing.

Phil Mitchell

Sorry where do I come in on this post?

Phil Mitchell

Again you are posting to me with subjects I have NO interest in.

Phil Mitchell

My name is Phil MITCHELL not Philip E HARDY. Stop sending me posts meant for HARDY

Rich Lane

don't know why you are getting those posts Phil since I copy and paste the names of the people I am responding to... Sorry for the inconvienence I thought it was being seen by MR Hardy.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Whoever is sending me the posts for Phil Mitchell keep sending them to me... they're juicy.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Mr. Mitchell, if you have commented on a post/thread you will receive emails when someone else comments on that same thread -- whether they are named Phil or not. :) If you would like to "unfollow" a thread, click "Stop Notifications" at the top of that specific post or go into your own settings under "Account," click on "Notifications" and change your emails settings. You can set email notifications to your liking. I hope that helps. :)

Dillon Mcpheresome

Rich, I read the first screen on your post for Suppressor. I was not impressed. If the first sentence is your log line you shouldn't go on another 10 paragraphs to explain the story. and I hate to agree with Alle on anything (I'm going to punish myself after this) I am going to give her credit for the advice, at least she is not telling you to see a psychiatrist. But check out all the advice you get here and welcome to stage 32 screenwriters blog. Really put up your logline and ask for help.

Anthony Cawood

@Alle - for a moment there I misread that as 'took on a manatae' which would have been funnier.

Anthony Cawood

@CJ - even funnier!

Anton West

Alle, sometimes you make good points but then you negate all that with your ridiculous claims to be connected to A-list producers and so on. Let's be brutal here. You aren't able to come up with original stories yourself (most of your 'work' is autobiographical or semi-autobiographical) so you're here on Stage 32 fishing around for newbies who have a good original story in the hope of adding your name to their work as a co-writer. You claim to be a producer, but your producing credits are nearly all on your autobiographical projects. You need to start being HONEST not only with others but with yourself or in 10 years time you'll be a 50 something still living in a rented room in Sydney pretending you're a big shot but with nothing but a few crappy shorts to show for it. Make something REAL happen.

Cherie Grant

gosh there's been some great reading for me tonight.

Anton West

Thing is Alle, it's not necessary to be the world's greatest film-maker to be a valid person in your own right. You don't need status, or celebrity friends or Hollywood awards. I don't think you realise this and that's your main problem. What's wrong with just being what you actually are? An IT person/programmer/coder who's made a few shorts which did OK in a competition for newbies? Have ambition to get further in the industry by all means, but build on REAL achievements not some delusion that you're one step away from the top table. There's a huge gap between what you've actually done and what you claim to be doing. It's time to deliver i.e. FINISH some new projects to consolidate what you've done so far and to fill that gap. Then maybe just maybe you'll get that growth you're always talking about and get some impetus in your career.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay, folks. Let's move on. Back on topic, please. :)

Anton West

Willingly, Beth.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Beth: Oh no, that train has derailed. Dearest Alle: I woke up this morning to a plethora of posts about you and almost thought I was reading the second act of Julius Caesar. But I will not join in with the other dagger wielding senators who have drawn your blood. To the contrary, I am profoundly cut to my own core, to think that you would perceive that I have an “issue with you.” I do not share the common opinion that you believe you’re the appointed Stage 32 Promethean eagle, feasting of the livers of poor souls posting their opinions. Or that you pick apart others at Stage 32 for their ideas and work but don’t possess the intestinal fortitude to share any of the work you so frequently refer to in your posts. To the contrary, I think you are a gift sent from the heavens, to spread your brand of constructive criticism and benevolent brutality like manure on a vegetable garden.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Why continue to pour fuel on this fire? Let it burn out. :)

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Dear Beth: You seem to be a sweet soul and I understand the spirit behind your message. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a real knockdown, drag out physical fight. I’ve have, in the schoolyard, the barroom and several other places. The best way to dispatch a bully is to stand up to them and in some cases throw them a good beating. And for good measure, kick them in the ribs when they’re down. Miss Segretti, who appears to have deep seated insecurities, is clearly a bully. And she chose to include me in her rant. In my interactions with Stage 32 folk, I aim to offer as much positive support and feedback as time allows. Everybody is entitled to opinions on the craft; and that they should not be taken as gospel truth. In the case of Ms. Segretti, I would caution the readers of her posts to consider that anyone who has to keep telling you that “they’re the shit” typically isn’t. "Blessed our the peacemakers."

Beth Fox Heisinger

Dear Phillip: It's not about me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just doing my job as a Stage 32 moderator.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Beth: Very good and thanks for letting me know you're the moderator. And thanks for allowing me to render my opinion.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Well, I'm one of the moderators. There are many of us. :)

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Lisa: you have cut me to the quick. No wait a minute, thanks for the compliment.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Phillip, this has nothing to do with rendering or not rendering opinions; allowing or not allowing personal expression. Moderating -- it's about keeping the conversation going. And, this one veered way off topic. :)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Lisa, I stepped in to steer it away.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Dear Beth: You're absolutely correct. And if you scroll to the top, you'll see that I originally supported the constructive feedback and offered some of my own. I do apologize if I played a part in continuing to hijack this thread. And you can ask around about me. I think you'll find I have a reputation for being very supportive of other writers here. My last word Is I'm here to have fun and help others in a positive, constructive way.

Anton West

Beth, I am glad you stepped in here. Maybe sometimes we need to be reminded that squabbling makes us all look bad. You do know she started it though, right? :D

Beth Fox Heisinger

HaHa! That's great, Anton! Here, I'll go all "mother" on everyone; "She may have started it, but I'm finishing it!" ...Oh dear, now I'm going off on a tangent. But, in all seriousness, all comments can be fact checked, right? Perhaps found to be erroneous? All members are capable of doing their own due diligence. Of course, I realize most wish to protect our community and keep it positive. So, with that, I'm just happy to help and thank all of you. ;)

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