Introduce Yourself : I love meeting new people!! by Bernadette Boas

Bernadette Boas

I love meeting new people!!

Happy Monday everyone! Like Julie (below post), I have been hanging out on Stage 32 for some time now, and have even engaged in a couple of pitches and competitions. I thought it was about time I said hello.

I once considered myself an accidental screenwriter, never expecting decades of keeping a journal would turn into my 2012 book, Shedding the Corporate Bitch (my true story), a radio show on the subject, a leadership coaching and consulting practice, and now, film and television scripts.

The actual accident happened on November 02, 2013. At the time, I was actively raising angel investment capital for my brand and business. That morning, my mentor suggested I attend a pitch summit she came across online and it was happening that day. So, I packed my briefcase and raced off to downtown Atlanta. It took about two minutes for me to realize it wasn’t a capital pitch fest but a film pitch event, another five minutes to grab a half-dozen copies of my book from my car, and a few more minutes to create and present a pitch to a dozen or so executives. After all, I had nothing to lose and who wouldn’t love a story that is a cross between Devil Wears Prada and My Name is Earl. By months end, I was off to LA and New York for private pitch meetings, advised to turn my story into a script, and setting up home at a local library with Final Draft software, a copy of Save the Cat and multiple Robert McKee books, and a thermos of coffee.

Had you told me 5 years ago, I would fall in love with screenwriting, storytelling, and now, producing events and workshops which connect creatives with investors to advance their film projects, I would have said you’re nuts. I don’t even mind the rejections, after all, you only need one yes!

Today, I have never been happier and no longer consider my path to screenwriting an accident but my destiny. Happy writing everyone. Reach out, say hello, and let me know if there is anything I can help you with.


Shawn Speake

That's what's up, Bernadette! Great to have you with us.

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