Introduce Yourself : Hello from Mark Robyn by Mark Robyn

Mark Robyn

Hello from Mark Robyn

Hi! I'm a screenwriter, author and indie filmmaker.

Check out my exciting adventure book series Johnny Apocalypse and the Nuclear Wasteland on Amazon.

And if you feel like a laugh, check out my short film Dying for a Coffee on Youtube under Fun on Film Productions.

I have a closet full of great screenplays, so if you're looking for your next great project, drop me a line. I'm also open to working on other projects.

And if you simply want to talk screenwriting or movie making message me. I love to talk about the craft.


Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Mark Robyn! Nice to meet you! Not to cut short this introduction, but you need to start pitching "How to Train Your Girlfriend" like now. There has been a lot of talk about how Execs are looking for RomComs and that is such a fun concept - it reminds me of that episode from The Big Bang Theory when Sheldon uses chocolate to train Penny.

If you're ready to pitch, definitely reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, who is great at matching potential executives with projects:

Otherwise, you should definitely check out the Screenwriting Lounge for those great conversations: or if you want something more structured to help you reach your goals, definitely check out the Writer's Room - I can't recommend it enough!

And there are LOTS of great conversations going on in the Filmmaking Lounge about movie making. We'd love for you to chime in!

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too!

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