Hi everyone, I do a regular podcast about fathers rights and fathers who are fighting the gender bias family court system. My goal is to turn the podcast into a regular docu-series on a streaming platform like netflix or hulu. I've been looking through the various education/on demand services. I'll be the first to say I'm fairly lost in the whole process. I've made connections with some people outside of stage 32 who work at netflix and what they've told me is one of the first things I need to have is an agent, but that I also need to have something already done for an agent to look at. It seems some what redundant to me. Does this at all sound accurate to anyone? Thanks!
Hey, Alan! First off - congrats on your podcast! Second, there is a way to develop your docu-series in order to pitch it, and you'll need to be able to pitch it for an agent to want to help you sell it.
I would highly recommend Phil Claroni to review your pitch, but while you're still putting it together, maybe check out one of his webinars: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/How-to-Develop-Pitch-and-Sell-Your-True-Crime-Docuseries
I know your series isn't True Crime, but there will likely be several overlapping similarities since you'll be dealing with a court system. Not a sermon, just a thought. Let us know how it goes!