Just wanted to introduce myself and I even posted my logline for my television series I am writing:)
I am looking forward to getting involved with this community. I am a recent graduate from Vancouver Film School and I can't wait to begin my career as a screenwriter!
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Congratulations. You have an awesome future.
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Hi @Emma! and Welcome
BIG congratulations with your graduation, what a win!
If you go to our lounge "screenwriting" there are so many good conversations about screenwriting! You can also try the writers room!
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
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Welcome, Emma. Hope you find the community a helpful one. Feel free to get in touch anytime.
Welcome, Another Perfect person from North Bay
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Welcome to this beautiful network, Emma!
thank you everyone:)
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Hi Emma and welcome!
Hello Emma, welcome
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Welcome, Emma Battigaglia. Glad you're in the community. Hope you have a great time on here!
Also, I think you'll like the Screenwriting lounge, Emma Battigaglia (https://www.stage32.com/lounge/screenwriting).