Hey My Screenwwriting peeps, I have been very busy with various and sundry and have not been on the site for awhile. I am not good at introducing myself (cold-calling) people and i want t hear if everyone else hates it as much as I do! I go onto Linkedin and various producers and agent s and managers show up on my feed as suggestions for New Friends! Does everyone else try to contact these suggeations? Do you drop a line and just say hi? Because my credits are limited, I feel like I am coming off as deserate to these professionals. Is this my crippling anxiety showing, or do i just forge ahead and do it?! Thanks for listening and responding.
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Producers are fully aware that there are emerging writers on the site and expect people to reach out. Just do your research find something sincere to say and wait to see if they come back to you. Ensure the energy is equal give and take and do not pitch unless they ask. If you fail, burnout, crash, sink... there is always another boat! and another...another...another! Good luck!
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I would relabel your crippling anxiety as delighted and excited - you get to pick the names for the energy you feel - might as well be positive.
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Hi, D A Stenard. I don't use LinkedIn, but I add and network with the member suggestions that show up on Stage 32's homepage. I like to look at a member's profile and posts to find something to start a conversation with, like a movie we both like, a hobby, a sports team, etc. Or I'll ask how they're doing or what they're working on.
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Becoming all too common in today's all-to-secrete internet world. Bite the bullet and start to meet folks - it becomes easier over time.
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D A Stenard Nike - Just do it. Doug Nelson Very true. For me, bit difficult from Australia. So I hope to find a producer whose hourly rate does not mirror that of a neurosurgeon. Getting 15 minutes is tough.
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If your work is of a sufficiently high standard, and you make it readily available for reads, you can gain attention from the pros simply by getting it out there.
People at open sites, such as www.SimplyScripts.net, are being read and contacted; good news for those who are reluctant to reach out to the likes of producers.
A lot of this interest is due to the lack of obstructions: no paywalls, no read requests... You don't even have to be logged in or be registered at the site to click 'n' read.
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If you have the free time, plant all the seeds you can. There was a point where I messaged every new network connection I made both here and Linkedin, and it moved the needle a little. That's the thing to remember; it takes years for these kind of things to net results sometimes and nothing is going to launch you straight into the big league.
You have to get over the cold-calling nature of things a little, but then you have to be able to write a warm and friendly introduction too. The amount of creepy stuff I get on a weekly basis is unbelievable.
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"The amount of creepy stuff I get on a weekly basis is unbelievable."
Oh. I thought you were into it. My bad.