As a regular visitor to the annual bun fight on the Cote d'Azur I can reassure those that feel they ought to be there this week that unless you want an expensive tourist gawping trip, the main reason you do need to go to Cannes is to open a film at the festival, try and sell one n the market you have made, or close a deal that you have been discussing for a while. Sure there are networking opportunities 24/7, sights to be seen (and oh what sights), but once the dust has settled and the bills, the big bills come in ("did that meal with the extra wine really cost my development budget !) , you may wonder through a weary fuzzy haze brought on by too many parties and noisy people, why you were there, unless you had a specific targeted reason.
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I am "there" in a short film (at the short film corner). it is called "A Shot at the Big Time"
Well that is a good reason to be there. Hope you get some views.
Many thanks David.