The short film tells the story about Santi, a 10 year old boy who after discovering that his grandfather Pelayo suffering from Alzheimer´s, he Finds, through...
Music video: DERNIER SOUPIR "último suspiro" Band group: 6LEXIC Labe:l Angel Sweet Records Cast: Cavalier ANDRÉ ROSSI Lady LI Kid AKIRA RODRÍGUEZ GONZÁLEZ Producer MICHEL PIERRE DEE JAY RUBIO COLONEL NICO Director FRAN CASANOVA Production manager FRAN CASANOVA Assistant producer CARLOS VALENCIANO SABATÉ Assistant producer DENISSE DA ROCHA Screenplay FRAN CASANOVA Director of photography JONAY ARBELO HERNANDEZ First camera operator JONAY ARBELO HERNÁNDEZ Second camera operator ANDRÉS G....
First Award in Tri-City Independent/Fan Film Festival "TCIF3" fan film category (Washington, 2009) Showed in CINEFAN Festival "IndyCon" (Ãbeda, 2013) Showed ...
Ayúdame a recordar "Help me remember" (2012) Productora (Production company): Tiempo de Rodar Distribuidora (Distributor): Agencia Freak ⢠FESTIVALES (Film F...
Reel edited by Fran Casanova Music by Óscar Navarro
Videoclip (Music video): Sauvage Grupo (Band group): Reve de Mars Discográfica (Label): Angels Sweet Records Productora (Production company): Making Dreams Productions * EQUIPO ARTÍSTICO (Cast): * Niña (Girl): Miriam Martín * Padre (Father): Xoque Carbajal * Madre (Mother): Beatriz Serén * Vampiros (Vampires): Reve de Mars * EQUIPO TÉCNICO (Crew): * Director: FRAN CASANOVA * Guión (Screenplay): FRAN CASANOVA * Productor ejecutivo (Executive producer): J.D GAMALLO MOUTEIRA * Jefe de producción (Production manager): JORGE LÓPEZ GÁLVEZ * Ayte.
Main CAST & CREW: - Starring by Jaime Menéndez, Daniel Avilés and Raúl Prieto - Directed and written by Fran Casanova - Produced by Carisma Films and Septima Ars - Director of photography by Ismael Issa - Director of art by Ion Arretxe - Edited by Carlos Padilla - Music by Ramón Pérez - Visual effects by Jesús Díez * SYNOPSIS: Antonio, a young Republican soldier, is nestled next to the rest of his partners in the assault on a National side trench during the Spanish Civil War.