Auburn University

Auburn University

Auburn University

Auburn University is a college located in Auburn, Alabama.

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At least 36 Stage 32 members have attended Auburn University:
London Carlisle

London Carlisle

Actor from New York City, New York
Jason Amling

Jason Amling

Actor, Filmmaker and Set Builder from Auburn, Alabama
Jason Amling

Jason Amling

Actor from Opelika, Alabama
Clayton Nix

Clayton Nix

Line Producer, Production Coordinator and Production Manager from Atlanta, Georgia
Jessica Meuse

Jessica Meuse

Actor, Musician and Songwriter from Los Angeles, California
Arthur David Payne

Arthur David Payne

Actor, Crafty and Host/Presenter from Los Angeles, California
Kalli Jones

Kalli Jones

Photographer (Still) from Birmingham, Alabama
Aubree Strickland

Aubree Strickland

Makeup Artist from Birmingham, Alabama
Carrington Alexis Cole

Carrington Alexis Cole

Actor, Assistant Editor and Boom Operator from Atlanta, Georgia
Zack Collins

Zack Collins

Screenwriter, Content Creator and Director from Phenix City, Alabama
Daniel Oramas

Daniel Oramas

Director, Director of Photography and Producer from Atlanta, Georgia
Fonde Taylor

Fonde Taylor

Author and Screenwriter from Birmingham, AL, USA
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