We would like to Introduce the “CastIron Ladies.” “CastIron Ladies”, is an Inspiring Reality based TV Show that will reveal the lives of 3 Women ranging in the ages of 40- 50. Women who have overcome serious life challenges. These life events have made them not only CastIron strong emotionally/mentally but physically as well. Through a common fitness goal they demonstrate how focus and dedication can pay off. They work very hard and dedicate themselves to making their bodies look CastIron Strong, even in an age range that many believe is past prime. They prove that through determination this can be achieved in addition to their already busy lifestyle. Thus far with our preliminary research this concept has proved inspiring through our social networks. We would like to submit our Reality TV Series for consideration as an upcoming show with a respected Network.
Unique traits: Reality TV Series
“CastIron Ladies”! Other Inspiring women in the age range of 40’s-50’s sharing how they have taken on theextremely tough, but fulfilling life of fitness competition. From the gym, home and work, thesewomen demonstrate how they are not only “CastIron" on a physical aspect, but havecourageous and inspiring stories of how they have overcome serious life challenges and, havebecome mentally and emotionally “CastIron” strong. These inspiring women will be teaming upwith other fitness guru’s across America to share how they survived some of life’s toughestchallenges. We will witness their success as they defy all odds and get in the gym with the “BigBoys.” They will they have to train hard, become aware of their diet and ultimately overcome thechallenge of getting on stage as they compete in front of a live audience in addition to theireveryday lives. Watch as the drama unfolds with some of the ladies in this competitive world offitness on and off stage. Life can get really intense at times. How will they overcome theseobstacles and maintain a very healthy lifestyle as most want to possess? !They currently have a large positive following on a regular basis and are approached by peoplereaching out to them for help. They will teach those how it can be possible to move forward andsucceed through the TV show. The audience will have an opportunity to learn and train as wetravel around the US to help as many potential “CastIron Ladies” through seminars, sharing,and one-on–one training with the Ladies themselves. Imagine the kind of world we would live inif we changed just one person’s life. We will inspire women and ultimately men to change theirlives around as well as those that surround them. The CastIron Ladies want to be just that andhave the ability to do so through mentorship, inspiration and motivation. !!