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Liked by Mark Deuce and 2 others

Donna Tiberio
Screen Writer


Donna Tiberio


Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Donna Tiberio. What's the screenplay and book marketing company?

Liked by Adeel Arshad and 4 others

Christinne M Bley
Writer owner art rebels studio

thanks for all the great knowledge sharing!

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Christinne M Bley. What scripts are you working on?

Christinne M Bley

Hi, Maurice! Sorry took awhile involved in some classes and getting ready for Hollywood Pitchfest. THank you for asking about my scripts, I'd like to know what you are working on as well. But I am ver...

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Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Christinne M Bley. I'm finishing up a ghostwriting job, working on a feature spec script, networking, and pitching projects.

No problem. Take your time responding. Let us know how Holly...

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Liked by Mark Deuce and 3 others

Geoff Hall
Indie Distribution is Self-Distribution

Here’s an article by Anthony Kaufman.

The quote above is from 2008, spoken...

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Mark Deuce

This is a great article Geoff Hall and I use Deviant Art to also promote my work as well:

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Mike Boas

The problem with self distribution is some avenues are not open to filmmakers without an agent. You still need a go-between sales agent to sell to foreign markets, iTunes, and major streamers.

This we...

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Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan thanks, Maurice. We have already started promoting Seeing Rachel in development. Once we get the development funding, we’ll employ the services of a publicist....

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Geoff Hall

Mark Deuce I’ve really enjoyed your work on Deviant Art, Mark. Thanks for sharing.

Geoff Hall

Mike Boas hi Mike, that is true. In the UK there are services like BitMax that you can go to, which help you with aggregation and distribution. And yes, with the big guns, we’ll need a go-between, but...

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Liked by Mark Deuce and 3 others

Brandy Camille
The Match that Lit the Fire

Whenever I think of what sparked my deep interest in cinematography when I was a kid, I think back to my first time seeing one of Spike Lee's famous trucking shots in what eventually became my favorite Spike Lee Joint..."Crooklyn." I was 7 years old when that movie was released in 1994, and Spike Le...

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Brandy Camille

M LaVoie It's been a rare thing in my life to converse with someone who really "knows their stuff" about cinematography and they not mention "A Clockwork Orange."

Amanda Toney

Director wise I find David Fincher’s vision stunning. Recently I’ve been captivated with the DP from THE BEAR Andrew Wehde. I can’t take my eyes off his work.

Liked by Amanda Toney and 2 others

Sydney Summers
Webinar tomorrow..Introduction on How to use ChatGPT as a Resource for Screenwriters

Have you heard the buzz about AI in the film industry? Have you formed opinions on tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney without fully exploring their potential? Join our upcoming webinar to discover how AI can enhance your writing process without replacing your creativity!

In this webinar, award-winning...

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Soma Ghosh

Joshua thanks, can't wait to hear you on the webinar - hearing all these good things here. And of course to hear the answer to my questions.... do you recommend that I post them here again? Asking for clarity since you had mentioned you will answer them after the webinar...

Joshua Young

Definitely watch the webinar for more in-depth information and examples, however, when it comes to your writer's voice, so far no AI can perfectly match a writer's voice. For me, that's a benefit as t...

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Lynn Garthwaite

Even MORE helpful information, Joshua. I have already been playing with it to give me ideas for future episodes for a comedy series for which I have written a pilot. I was super interested in the ideas it spewed out!

Joshua Young

That's great to hear Lynn! Another quick tip I love to use is, once you've written a scene, upload it and ask it to give you fifty words to describe the environment. I find I can really enhance the to...

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Lynn Garthwaite

Giant lightbulb just went off in my head with your suggestion, Joshua. I often say that the Thesaurus is my favorite book, because I often pop it open to find just the right word to express what I'm t...

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Liked by Asmaa Jamil and 12 others

Mukesh Thakur
Hi Everyone , Introducing myself here

Hi everyone

My name is Mukesh Thakur and As a versatile professional skilled in video editing, videography, animation, and vlog editing, I bring a comprehensive blend of technical expertise and creative vision to every project. With a proven track record as a top video editor, I am dedicated to prod...

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Amanda Toney

What a great introduce yourself post! What cinematographers or videos or movies inspire you?

Mark Deuce

Great to meet you Mukesh Thakur and Welcome aboard!!

Asmaa Jamil

Welcome and great introduction.

Liked by Mark Deuce and 4 others

Joseph Follansbee
What about this IP strategy?

It's pretty clear that studios and major independents want established intellectual property. They rarely take chances on original material. I’ve heard that a screenwriter might increase the marketability of an original spec script by publishing it as a novel or novella, thus creating the IP that th...

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Dan MaxXx

Ppl tried this Strategy with comic books when comics were booming in 2000-10; it cost a lot of money & time & talent to publish a comic book. I think screenwriter Max Landis tried this.

If you just wan...

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Preston Poulter

I'm on the comic book train. Kickstarter provides a great vehicle to find backers and finance your comics.

Of course, novels represents a lower cost option. However, a novel that no one reads will not do much for developing your IP.

Dan Guardino

I've ada[ted a lot of novels. Write one if you want but the odds of selling the screenplay as a result is a real long shot at best unless the book becomes a best seller and that also it a long shot. J...

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Richard "RB" Botto

The two highest grossing films in the specialty (indie) market the last two weeks were original screenplays. Take a look on the streamers and see how many films lately have been made from original screenplays. The studios are one thing, the indies another.

Mark Deuce

Wow! Thank you Richard "RB" Botto

Liked by Amanda Toney and 5 others

Susan Kelejian
Screenwriting Compeitions- I need the good,the bad, and the fugly!

Hello Fellow Wordsmiths!

I am reaching out for opinions....yes, this is a solicited request :)

I am new to screenwriting (NOT to writing) and know just about all there is to know in the theater world...however, I joined ISA and Film Freeway and something else I cant remember and it's about 15 thousan...

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Maurice Vaughan

No, you don't have to be a member of the Writers' Room to enter the contests, Alejandro Marello. You have to be a Writers' Room member to enter the Open Writing Assignments though....

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Pat Alexander

In my experience, what's best about contests is often the chance make industry connections with people in places that can actually move your career forward, whether that's getting you signed or option...

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Susan Kelejian

Pat Alexander I very much appreciate this Pat. I attended my first awards ceremony for a fest tonight in LaLa Land and it was actually a lot of fun, however, I will be picking and choosing from here o...

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Richard "RB" Botto

That's one hell of a post, Pat Alexander. Spot on in every way. And I fully agree, a few of the so called prestige contests haven't had a writer signed, optioned or produced in close to a decade. They...

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Dan Guardino

The only people who profit from screenplay competitions are the people who run them. I never entered one and have zero desire to ever do that. However, if I did the only ones I would ever consider wou...

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Liked by Alicia Vaughan and 9 others

Matthew Kelcourse
Recommend writer OR project, not both

I heard back from a S32 producer today (read and review) and I am very grateful and flattered for what they had to say and recommend. And if I couldn't have both, would I prefer a recommend writer or project? It's a unique thought process with, IMO, recommend writer being the preferred.

Admittedly, m...

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Dan Guardino

Matthew Kelcourse A lot of screenwriters here are submitting screenplays and if they get a pass they move on and hope they find some other producer that might want to option their screenplay. The odds...

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Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Good tips coming in from a number of good people. Let's tack on an epilogue: when someone says "no" - executive, director, talent, producer - then make sure the door is open so you can come back and s...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Your point is massively important, Lindbergh E Hollingsworth, and it's one that eludes many writers. Opening a door should be viewed as a massive success. Even if this script is a pass, the invitation...

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Matthew Kelcourse

All great stuff. Hate to pull a Biden, but my father had a saying: don't burn your bridges, keep your footpath clean, and the gate slightly ajar. Translation? What they all said :-)

Liked by Mark Deuce and 2 others

Maurice Vaughan

I'm so excited for A Quiet Place: Day One, Amanda Toney! Lupita Nyong'o is one of my favorite actresses. Looking forward to a Quiet Place marathon!

Mark Deuce

I loved this one Amanda Toney & Maurice Vaughan and was a good as the first....

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Liked by Amanda Toney and 4 others

Pat Alexander
Deep Exhale -- IATSE, Studios Strike Tentative Deal on Hollywood Basic Agreement

14.5% compound wage increase, AI protections and triple pay for shoot days longer than 15 hours are among the topline gains

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Maurice Vaughan

Sounds like an excellent deal, Pat Alexander! Congratulations, IATSE members!

Amanda Toney

Excited for this deal. It’s a great boost all around.

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