Greetings; cheers; hello community! I am here at 'STAGE 32' by way of two (2) copyright protected (with at least another script upcoming) ‘BOOK-TO-THEATRICAL-MAJOR-MOTION PICTURE’ scripts; including a (future-tense) twenty-minute (20 min.) documentary; approved for creation by an Hollywood book to film executive at Book to Film Company; whom is Ellen R. Green (IMDb). (Note) I worked with Paramount Pictures for five months in '22 (20-22) with a Book to film Company Blueprint Screenplay Adaptation (Treatment for a Screenplay. Each script is known as the entire movies' Story)!
These Blueprint Screenplay Adaptations (my scripts) are Hollywood book-to-film, thematic, filmic, and cinematic version of my book(s). They have been composed on my behalf (phantom written as in this '25 publishing industry. Previously known as ghost written) by Writers Guild of America (WGA) union screenwriters (of paid open writing assignments according to genre) with decades of Hollywood experience, through my publisher’s (connected) Book-To-Film Company. They write in classic Hollywood three (3) act structure! (Act 1 a,b. Act 2 a,b. Act 3 a,b.) Their creations are ‘off the books.’ As in not participating in my copyrights, deals, credits, paychecks, or profits!
The pool of writers are assigned by the founder and director of the company (my 'buddie'), Ellen R. Green (IMDb), whom has worked on dozens of motion pictures going back to 'The Seventh Sign' in the '80’s; and her WGA back to the ‘Gremlins’ franchise in the '80’s. She has dozens of credits, and serves as my publisher’s Hollywood insider (working for over thirty (30) years in it)!
My book is (proclaimed as.. declared as.. reviewed as. critiqued as) what-Hollywood is looking for; as it is on the all-time list of best motivational and inspirational books. So it is an all time publishing industry listed book; Hallelujah, as I show up on this platform within this adaptation capacity, and aspect.
Be blessed (blest)! Do not let your anchor down until you reach your destination; represent yourself properly to get your shot(s)!
Each of these (my) book-to-motion picture scripts are of ninety (90) minute, main stream commercial studio appeal, with faith-based content, faith-friendly content, and probable MPA Inc. rated, General Audiences (G rated. Rated G. Of all ages admitted). Having situational conflict only. Situational friction remains the standard as reflected from my intellectual property (i.e. The book) that the scripts are composed from.
I am currently heading towards my first book-to-film purchase agreement (production agreement. production order. Green lit scenario. Production lock.) with a ongoing pitch session process. Wherein I mention having my union (PGA) producer, and union (DGA) director, “attached” enabling me to forego a major studio level 'Pitch Deck' that would typically accompany a script. (e.g. just one of these attached talents; or a something listed actor; would have sufficed to forego a 'Pitch Deck' as well). I also have an eighteen (18) major studio credits Oscar and Emmy acclaimed WGA script writer as a co writer credit for the screenplay (also attached). Thanks for being here; thank you for listening; be blessed (blest) with and in all your endeavors here as well.
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Hello my dear friend Sandra Isabel Correia - I LOVE your bio! What a joy that must have been to be introduced to theater at such a young age. I remember when I was a child and my father took me to Rad...
Expand commentHello my dear friend Sandra Isabel Correia - I LOVE your bio! What a joy that must have been to be introduced to theater at such a young age. I remember when I was a child and my father took me to Radio City Music Hall - I think that was my first introduction to theater/movies. But as far as what influenced me - wow, there are so many. Pretty much anything science fiction - Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Empire Strikes Back, Back to the Future, The Last Starfighter and lot of animation - The Iron Giant, Titan A.E. Starblazers and many others - can you tell I'm an 80s kid?
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Happy IYW, Sandra Isabel Correia! Hope you had a great week! HARRIET THE SPY made me want to become a writer when I was a kid, but OFFICE SPACE motivated me to start writing scripts. I found part of t...
Expand commentHappy IYW, Sandra Isabel Correia! Hope you had a great week! HARRIET THE SPY made me want to become a writer when I was a kid, but OFFICE SPACE motivated me to start writing scripts. I found part of the OFFICE SPACE script online in high school, and I liked the way it was written. Screenwriting is the most unique writing medium in my opinion.
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My sweet friend Leonardo Ramirez, they are good memories. It was a joy! Did you know that at the age of 10, I helped my father by welcoming customers to the cinema? Armed with a flashlight, I took the...
Expand commentMy sweet friend Leonardo Ramirez, they are good memories. It was a joy! Did you know that at the age of 10, I helped my father by welcoming customers to the cinema? Armed with a flashlight, I took the ticket and drove to their location to watch the film. I remember watching the film's catalog and choosing with my father the movies he would buy to showcase in the cinema. Oh, Radio City Music Hall, what a wonderful memory you have. I love the same as you, Scfi, and the first Star Wars ( Princess Leila, Han Solo and of course Luke Skywalker) I was in my youth, we are 80s kids :)) I wish you an amazing weekend my friend and tasty cooking :))
Happy IYW my good friend Maurice Vaughan :) Thank you! I went to Google because I didn't know both of them, and it's curious that you have been creative all of your life. Since childhood with Harried...
Expand commentHappy IYW my good friend Maurice Vaughan :) Thank you! I went to Google because I didn't know both of them, and it's curious that you have been creative all of your life. Since childhood with Harried the Spy and as an adult with Office Space. I love that! Explain to me when you say, "Screenwriting is the most unique writing medium, in my opinion." What do you mean with writing medium? Because the word medium for me is the ability to communicate with the ethereal. Is that what you mean?