Anything Goes

A free and open forum. The place to discuss anything on your mind film, television and theater related…or not.

Liked by Suzanne Bronson and 2 others

Sydney S
Rewrite your TV series pilot script with expert guidance from Anna Henry, a producer who was worked with CBS, ABC, Nickelodeon, and more!

Writing may seem like a solitary occupation, but all writers need guidance from an experienced professional. Especially TV writers. TV writers work in rooms, work with showrunners, producers, managers and executives giving them feedback. They belong to writers’ groups. If you don’t have those suppor...

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D A Stenard

Hello other class members. My name is Deb Stenard and I have worked with Anna before. You are in for a real TREAT! I can't wait to work with her again.

Julia Mendenhall

Hello! I also took a Lab with Anna before--last spring--and she is an incredible teacher who really knows the industry and knows what a pilot needs. I'm excited!

all best, Julia Mendenhall

Stephen Hoover

Looking forward to another great class with Anna. I'm also a fellow member of Team A.H. as I've taken other labs / done consults. Always informative and elevating.

Julia Mendenhall

Just fyi, I was searching my email just now for the "welcome letter" from Stage 32, for this class, but could not find it. Actually, for me, this email had the subject line "Purchase Confirmation," no...

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Liked by Matt Rife and 7 others

Cheryl Boyles
Another fake profile

Here we go again, y’all, another fake profile, this one impersonating Kevin Weisberg from Plymouth Blvd. Productions:

I contacted the real Kevin Weisberg who confirmed that this account is a fake. He (and I) have reported it to Stage 32, but as his profile is still up, I wanted to sound the alarm.

Dianne Janis

So apologies in advance for what may be a silly question but... what is the point of creating a fake profile? I fail to understand what the scammer accomplishes other than getting a writer's hopes up...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Dianne Janis. It's not a silly question. The scammers hope they can trick writers/etc. into paying them. Maybe other reasons too.

Eon C. Rambally

Cheryl Boyles, I applaud this post done by you in your efforts to expose this trend according to all info. to be manipulative! Thankfully seeing the efforts by Stage 32 to resolve the matter(s)! accor...

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Cheryl Boyles

Dianne Janis, as Maurice said, they want money. They act like they are interested in your material, but they never actually comment on its contents. And though they say they are production company own...

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Bruce Davidson

Gillian Berrie profile is fake and a scam, asking for $ ahead on an NDA

Kevin Hager
Working with Disney

Hello my friends. I ask again for help in working with Disney, I ask only out of the goodness of your hearts if you are able to help me. Sometimes an act of kindness can go a long way and be repaid somehow. I can help and repay those who help me I promise.

Geoff Hall
Stage32 and the Principles of the Quantum Universe

I like to read widely and have a love of reading about the Quantum Universe. I love books like Danah Zohar’s ‘The Quantum Self’ and ‘Quantum Society’. Then there’s the book I’m reading at the moment called ‘Quantum Theology: Spiritual Implications of the New Physics’. Now, I must admit that I’m not...

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Eon C. Rambally

Now this! The black and white image, produced by the “Quantum Entanglement Experiment” is obviously not in debate.

The color image produced of it was done by a “Graphic Artiste” to enhance definition a...

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Geoff Hall

Robin Gregory there are five Archons in my series Gulag Earth. They gain power over humanity through the collective unconscious. Their power wanes, when more and more people achieve consciousness and...

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Geoff Hall

Eon C. Rambally “Scientists are not Graphic Artiste and graphic artiste are not scientists yet they have to communicate, “For visuals”?”

Well I suppose I might add that the Universe is visual, a visua...

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Geoff Hall

Eon C. Rambally or to put it another way, thinking in pictures at a quantum level of existence, or to see the Archons - to extend the metaphor to spiritual creatures?...

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Robin Gregory

Geoff Hall Awesome. It's like you're unburying these great ancient mystereies and breathing life into them. Wonderful.

Gina Roland
Your film project is going to need hair and make up.

You have a unique story to tell. The editing process is finally complete. You've even had a couple of table reads. As you gather your crew, keep this in mind: in this digital age everything in front of the camera is revealed. Color correcting in post can be expensive. Why not find a professional mak...

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Jed Power
Trace adkins?

Is that the real Trace Adkins that keeps asking to join my network here?

E Langley

The answer is in one of the real Adkins' songs, "Just Fishin'."

Mike Childress

Very good E...very good...

Suzanne Bronson

You can report fake accounts to

Jed Power

SUZANNE, But if it is him, I don't vwant him angry!

Mike Childress
Sydney S
2-Part Class: Cinematographers: How to Prepare & What to Expect On Set

A film or tv production is a collective effort. Learn what is expected from you as a cinematographer during pre production and on an average day on set so you are prepared, respected and set you and the entire production up for success.

Fulfilling your duties and understanding set etiquette will help...

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Sydney S

Looking forward to the class starting this weekend!

Jed Power
Trace Adkins?

Is that the real Trace Adkins that keeps asking to join my S32 network?

Florin Şumălan
Use Caffeine for Mental & Physical Performance - Huberman Lab
Use Caffeine for Mental & Physical Performance
Use Caffeine for Mental & Physical Performance
This newsletter explains how caffeine affects the brain and body to produce these effects and describes science-supported tools, caffeine schedules and dosages to best leverage caffeine for physical a…
Tom Loveman
Writers Group Therapy Podcast #204 "Gatekeepers"

In today’s go-it-alone, streaming, social media, content creator world, how have gatekeepers changed and what does it mean for writers? We discuss In this session of the Writers Group Therapy podcast:

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Session #204 - Gatekeepers - Writers Group Therapy
Session #204 - Gatekeepers - Writers Group Therapy
Hollywood has always had gatekeepers, the people who say what films and shows get made. They have traditionally been the agents, talent/lit agencies and managers. Today, the go-it-alone filmmakers, st…
Diana Brownstone
Discount Codes anyone?

Has anyone had any luck with a discount code on a writing workshop purchase? Thank you.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Diana Brownstone. It's great to meet you. The discount codes have been working for me. Are you getting an error message?

Diana Brownstone

Yes - an error on any code I tried. What code has worked for you?

Maurice Vaughan

I'm a Lounge Moderator, Diana Brownstone. I use Moderator codes, but I've also used discount codes that Stage 32 has given out to members. You might need to contact

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Diana Brownstone

Thank you very much. I just sent them an email : )

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Diana Brownstone.

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