Anything Goes

A free and open forum. The place to discuss anything on your mind film, television and theater related…or not.

Dreams and Good Things

I ask if anyone knows of agents or managers, or representatives that would take a chance on me please help. I want my ideas to get off the ground before it's too late. Please I ask many of you to have a heart and in kindness help me.

Geoff Hall
John Leguizamo Celebrates Diverse Emmy Nominees, Urges: “We Need More Stories From Excluded Groups”

“[Leguizamo]…shouted out this year’s ceremony for including the “most diverse list of nominees” which also include his “incredibly talented Latinx brothers and sisters.” He applauded nominees Selena Gomez, Sofía Vergara, Issa Lopez, Kali Reis and Nava Mau for their notable nominations and Liza Colón...

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John Leguizamo Celebrates Diverse Emmy Nominees, Urges: "We Need More Stories From Excluded Groups"
John Leguizamo Celebrates Diverse Emmy Nominees, Urges: "We Need More Stories From Excluded Groups"
"For years I didn't complain about the limited roles my people were offered.... So for the past few years, I've been complaining."
John Michael German
...bring new Film Studios to Nevada.


"Mark Wahlberg is on the same mission… to bring new Film Studios to Nevada".

Gratitude within your roads.


God Bless,

John German...

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Geoff Hall
A Fun Test of your Creative Type

Here’s a little fun exercise for your weekend.

The only problem I see with the test is the binary questions: this or that, true or false, over the top or under the radar, but it’s good to know that my creative type is…Adventurer. How about you?

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Creative Types by Adobe Create
Creative Types by Adobe Create
My creative type is Adventurer, and we're known to be natural storytellers. To discover your Creative Type, take the quiz now.
E Langley


Linwood Bell


Maurice Vaughan

I'm the Dreamer, Geoff Hall.

Geoff Hall

E Langley we’ll have to create an Adventurer’s Club, E!

E Langley

Referenced Arthur's Visionary. If you want to start a Visionaries club. . .

Adventure is taking the subway.

Sydney Summers
Perfect your film or television 5-minute pitch for the upcoming American Film Market (AFM) with mentorship from an internationally renowned producer with recent projects at Lionsgate, Warner Bros, Lakeshore, and more!

In this exclusive Stage 32 two-part pitching lab with international producer/distributor Alexia Melocchi to craft your perfect five-minute pitch just in time for this year's AFM.

Alexia has had recent projects distributed with clients such as Lionsgate, STX, Lakeshore, TF1, The Asylum and Mister Smit...

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Joseph Follansbee
Second Round, Austin Film Festival

So I was a little bit shocked when I got the email notification today that I had made the Second Round in the Drama Feature category of the Austin Film Festival screenwriting competition. AFF says I placed in the top 20 percent of submissions. It's my best contest showing ever for a film script. It'...

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Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on The Red Feather making it to the Second Round, Joseph Follansbee!

I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know that I moved your post from the Screenwriting Lounge to th...

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John Michael German
For the USA...


Voting Trump, Gabbard, Vivek, Kennedy, Flynn, Vance, Shanahan is not a vote for red... but for red, white, and blue.

MAGA MAHA - Make America Patriotic Again!

For God.

For the country.

For the vets.

For the kids.

For the ladies.

For law and order.

For every law-abiding citizen.

For betterment.


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Tim Bragg
Stage 32 Pitch Session.

Has anyone pitched on Stage 32 in their pitch sessions and had one of their projects optioned. If not, what is the purpose of paying for a pitch sessions on Stage 32?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sherri ZImmerman. Thanks for the compliment. :D You're right. Stage 32 has an amazing staff!

Rick Sabino

Hey Tim!

I did a skype pitch session this summer through ST 32, received very favorable feedback and a request for my pitch deck and related materials (i.e, attached talent, budget considerations ) Thi...

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Tim Bragg

Still Rick at least this tells me there is a chance to get a project optioned through the pitch sessions and like anywhere you look to submit hope it's something they want.

Sherri ZImmerman

Maurice - I JUST spoke with this great guy, 24, here at the library... and told him of course! about Stage32... he is amazing and surely has GRAND TALENT. His name is Ny'Zir Thompson, and I mentioned...

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Maurice Vaughan

Ok, sounds great, Sherri ZImmerman!

Rachel Troche
Latest script is a quarterfinalist!

Hi Friends!!

My newest short, Sundowning, was named a quarterfinalist yesterday! Thanks to everyone who read and offered suggestions - I implemented a lot of them before submitting and I'm grateful for the time you took to send them to me.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on Sundowning making the quarterfinals, Rachel Troche!

I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know that I moved your post from the Screenwriting Lounge to the Anything Goe...

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Geoff Hall
Has Nvidia Been Illegally Scraping YouTube Videos for its AI Models?

Amongst some there is a resignation to the inevitability of AI’s rise in our industry. I would hope that in the future, we would be more discerning and less accepting of its development, especially in the light of companies ‘training’ their AI systems by plagiarising copyrighted material.

Maybe this...

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Has Nvidia Been Illegally Scrapping YouTube Videos for its AI Models?
Has Nvidia Been Illegally Scrapping YouTube Videos for its AI Models?
A lawsuit has been filed by a YouTuber alleging that the tech company has been using his content to train its AI video model. Here's what you need to know about the allegations.
Arthur Charpentier

I think all this will lead to the collapse of the usual Internet. It is obvious that the impunity of the special services and their agents leads us to the need to hide and encrypt our information, files and work.

Arthur Charpentier

The problem is not artificial intelligence, but the fact that several corporations have monopolized the Internet. We need laws that would prohibit them from stealing our work and spying on us.

Suzanne Bronson

Not really Geoff Hall CA just passed a bill regulating AI. (It's just waiting on the governor's signature.) It doesn't matter where a company in headquartered, they still have to abide by the laws of...

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Pat Alexander
Geoff Hall

Suzanne Bronson but that probably won’t have any effect on corporations in Europe or Asia. How can a California law restrict AI development in other territories?

Greg Takoudes
My new script consulting service!

Hi everyone! My name is Greg Takoudes and I’m excited to introduce my new screenplay consulting service, The GoFaSt Method, for all writers. Whether you’re still brainstorming your script, stuck on a draft, or ready to embark on your final draft, I can offer tailored guidance using my GoFaSt approac...

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I work with Screenwriters. I like to keep the process loose, intuitive, and creative - so you can do your best work. After years of teaching and screenwriting, I have developed a system to help Screen…
Greg Takoudes

Yes, that makes sense. Thanks Maurice!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Greg Takoudes.

Claude Gagne

Funny, I'm just reading Henry Winkler's book and it mentions the time Ron Howard quit Happy Days to venture into directing. I wish I could receive your help but got rid of my credit card.

Greg Takoudes

That's an interesting coincidence, Claude! Well I'm available to help and also take Venmo, if that works better. More about me on if you're interested!

Claude Gagne

I'll check your website. Thanks for the contact.

Sherri ZImmerman
What do you think? we need your good films now

ONE OF MY "fave" (favorite) CHANNELERS... Pamela Aaralyn... 

SHE as been so on point in her insights channeled from HIGHER SOURCES... 

WE NEED your good films as TIME moves on and the massive changes taking place.

Thank you for doing THIS WORK...

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Claude Gagne

No good films but good screenplays. Sometimes a person needs a helping hand to get people to see their good work on screen.

Sherri ZImmerman

So true Claude! No doubt helping hands are greatly needed!

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