Anything Goes : Vote Informed! by John Michael German

John Michael German

Vote Informed!


My name is John German, 43 years old, and wanted to use this Introduce Yourself to push the desires for informed voting.

Whether you vote red or blue, do not do so because that's what you always do. Truly listen to the candidates. Truly listen to their yesteryears. Listen to the actual words spoken, not what the headlines or narratives of news media presents. Various moments - those are nowhere aligned.

For any blue voters, look at these following profiles on (if you have an account). These people aligned with Trump. I grasp as to the negative perspectives many have about Trump (some justified and tons through misrepresentation of truth from media). A couple+ went from Democrat to Independent prior to this alliance.

Tulsi Gabbard:

Vivek Ramaswamy:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr:

Nicole Shanahan:

Voting red is no more a vote for red... but for red, white, and blue.

Make this voting year about informational substance, informed decisions, and truth over agendas.

Vote informed!

Thankful within your roads.

Image by Oleksandr Brovko from Pixabay.


God Bless,

John German

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, John Michael German. Hope you're doing great. I'm gonna vote, and I'm gonna vote informed.

John Michael German


Did someone move my post from Introduce Yourself to Anything Goes? I was using the introduce yourself section to not only introduce myself by a tiny dot, but also the information provided.

Thankful for your roads.


God Bless,

John German

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, John Michael German. No, I didn't move your post. Your post was in Anything Goes when I commented on it. I think whoever moved your post did it because your post is more about a discussion than introducing yourself.

John Michael German


This was not a discussion topic, more of a promotion. Like I have done for others like and clearing the teachers lists. Introduce Yourself remained for such a posting.

Maybe the site leans bluer and has no desire for conversations about different visions of voting.

Grateful to your steps.


God Bless,

John German

Kerry Kennard

John Michael German - I did not move anything either. From our training notes, we are supposed to write to the person why and where it would help the poster the most good, from my recollection.

Sorry to hear about this, if it happened.

Ashley Renee Smith

John Michael German, Maurice is correct. Your post was moved because it’s not focused on Introducing Yourself, your professional background, or your creative goals. It’s also not promoting your personal creative work. It’s a post that isn’t specific to Introduce Yourself Weekend or a creative discipline. For that reason, it is now in the Anything Goes Lounge as that’s the best place for a non-entertainment industry specific conversation. It has nothing to do with Blue/Red politics, this is just the proper lounge for conversations that don’t pertain to educating, networking, or sharing resources that are specific to creative/entertainment pursuits.

John Michael German


Kerry Kennard - I've seen comments be presented, on other posts, where someone references there post changed from one category to another. So, I agree with that hence why I asked initially if the category had changed. As, no comment was specified as to why there was a switch.

The change did happen.

Thankful for your roads.

God Bless,

John German

John Michael German


@Ashley Renee Smith - I appreciate the comment, but my #clearthelists Introduce Yourself post was kept as an Introduce Yourself post and not updated to the Anything Goes. I've also done this to promote a WWII story as well with no updates.

So, the only one that was purposefully moved, without commenting that was done and why, was the one about politics and informed voting.

Suspect activity heightens with all that in play.

Food for thought.

Thankful for your roads.

God Bless,

John German

Ashley Renee Smith

John Michael German, it's likely that the #clearthelists post was merely overlooked and not properly moved when it should have been. Also, the WWII story if I remember correctly was sharing a short story, which is a creative medium. That is why it wasn't moved here to the Anything Goes Lounge. It's also clear that my initial comment didn't post due to some kind of glitch, which can happen at times. That's why I left another comment yesterday explaining why your post was moved after I realized that my first comment wasn't here. I wanted to make sure that you were provided with all of the information to make sure that your posts go to the proper lounge spaces. I hope that clears up all of the confusion.

John Michael German


The WWII was a story being showcased from a WWII individual about what happened in the war. Not an actual creative medium, but a discussion about what happened in WWII. I've also posted other Introduce Yourselves promoting things outside of the #clearthelists and none were moved, to the best of my knowledge, outside of the voting one.

Three not moved:

"Fantastic teas!":

" #clearthelists and #TeachersofX":

"Friends 'till the end and beyond...":

Grateful within your roads.


God Bless,

John German

Maurice Vaughan

I commented on your other three introduction posts, John Michael German. I should've moved them to the Anything Goes Lounge, but I didn't think about it at the time. I apologize.

Kevin Hager

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