Wendy Weising

Wendy Weising


Nashville, Tennessee

Member Since:
May 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Wendy

Wendy Weising comes from a long line of storytellers and characters. Her mother’s people spun yarns while keeping their whiskey-still fires burning (after stealing a few horses—or at least, that’s the story she heard). Her father’s people came from European royalty—the duke of Buchenberg in Germany—again, a story passed down from generation to generation. Her mother read stories to her and her brother on long road trips. Her dad scared them with made-up stories around the campfire.
Therefore, it should be no surprise that as a child, she wrote fantastical stories and made her brother act in her created plays (He was the dragon. She was the knight). The only technological thing in their house was an old black-and-white TV that the family watched together at night. But they had a huge backyard and woods just at the edge of it. This only fueled her imagination further. Any strange animal or event that she learned about lived and took place in those woods—at least, that was her story.
Later, she loved to write so much that she would write anything for anyone. When a company asked her to write skits and programs, she leaped on it and wrote her heart out. Family members knew that if they came to her room and her fingers were flying over the computer keys, she was in writing mode.
Then she began to see movies from a new perspective. They intrigued her. She loved battle scenes and romances, sci-fi and historical events, and movie music. She was enthralled. She began to write screenplays. After joining the TSA, the president, Jeff Chase, introduced her to ScreenwritingU. She took the Binge Worthy Class, and wow! She learned things she hadn’t even thought of before. She has written a short gothic comedy and a sci-fi thriller series. She is working on a historical drama set in Montana, a thriller about a mother on the run, two unique romantic dramas, and a mystery/thriller set in a Winchester-style house. Wendy enjoys writing in all genres.



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