Introduce Yourself

Whether you're new to the site or have been a long standing member of the community, step forward and introduce yourself. And please welcome and support all that do post.

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Katery Gutz
Connecting after Cannes adventure!

Hi Stage 32 community,

My name is Katery, and I'm thrilled to be part of this incredible platform dedicated to the film and entertainment industry. I am an actress, musician, and filmmaker with a deep passion for storytelling across different mediums.

Recently, I had the honor of attending the Cannes...

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Maurice Vaughan

Undoubtedly Intertwined sounds interesting, Katery Gutz! Congratulations on the first chapter being a semifinalist and finishing your first feature film as the lead actress!...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Great to see you here, Katery Gutz! That's one awesome IY post. Thrilled to have you in the community.

Brandy Camille
"If we're all alone, then we're all together in that too."

I'm Brandy, and I am a brand new member of the Member Help Team here at Stage 32 (It's literally my first day today lol). I grew up not far from Hollywood and some of my most fond memories of spending time with my family come from watching movies. We lost my mother's sister to cancer 24 years ago, a...

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Brandy Camille

Thank you all for such a warm welcome!!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Brandy Camille. See you around Stage 32!

Sandra Isabel Correia

You are very welcome to our big family Brandy Camille and I wish you a wonderful time with us :))

Lisa Milliner

Hi! Brandy Camille today is my first day

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, Lisa Milliner. Great to have you here. When you get a moment, be sure to upload a profile pic and fill out your bio. Doing both will help you tremendously with your networking and profile awa...

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Johan Tebelius

Hello everyone, I am Johan Tebelius, born in Sweden, living in Brazilian Amazonia, and in Lisbon, Portugal. My mental being is a social anthropologist, my physical being is a sailor, and my spiritual being is a performative artist.

I am new to stage32, as to screenwriting. Last year, after mystical e...

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Johan Tebelius

Hi Maurice Vaughan, thank you for the welcome and the blog tips.

Johan Tebelius

Hi Asmaa Jamil and Hendrik Schoeman, thank you for the welcome

Johan Tebelius

Hi Sydney, thank you for the welcome.

The first script I wrote is called Magical Thinking, which according to Brittanica is “the belief that one's ideas, thoughts, actions, words, or use of symbols can...

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Ben Trebilcook
Hi from sunny Essex

Been a while since posting, but felt compelled having seen old friends RB and Amanda in Cannes. I’m so proud of what they have achieved and their want to help others in this ever changing industry. To also have seen Stage32 grow from the outset. So, here’s me, Ben, from the UK. A screenwriter and au...

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Maurice Vaughan

Have a good weekend too, Ben Trebilcook.

Sydney Summers

What a beautiful post Ben! Truly a wonderful sentiment. Congrats to you on a successful career !

Richard "RB" Botto

Awesome to see you back here, Ben Trebilcook! Hope you'll make this more of a regular occurrence, my friend!

Ben Trebilcook

Below is from a profile on one of my socials. I’m currently seeking new representation. I am currently repped in the UK. Actually, prior to this I had never had a UK agent despite being from and livin...

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Ben Trebilcook

PS: thanks RB

Disney Dreams

I have many dreams of working in entertainment media, and with Disney. One is an original idea about a couple who meet Mickey Mouse and must save Disney and meet a young Walt Disney. Another is something they had never tried, a live-action crossover between their franchises: American Dragon Jake Lon...

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Joel Cousins

I don't dabble in animation/cartoons at all (well, maybe one spec pilot, but I digress...). But your Mickey Mouse / Walt Disney idea JUMPED off my screen. Get on that ASAP (especially now that the mul...

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Kevin Hager

Thank you, but do you know how I can? I need to send this to Disney, but I have no representation.

What I write

what you write should be meaningful to you and you alone.

Writing military and police stories is a passion for me as I've great respect for past and present warriors of the battlefield.

Telling their stories is not just an honor it is a privilege.

Susan Kelejian
Back to One

Hello artistic extended family! Left Hollyweird 35 years ago, this year I found myself "back in." Different times now and I am definitely a different person. I've written, produced, directed, acted all these years, but in theater. In addition, I have a psych practice where I specialize in assisting...

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Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Susan Kelejian. "...the only professional theater company in the world to consistently perform Shakespeare on horseback." That's interesting! I've never heard of those kinds...

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Susan Kelejian

thats because it was the ONLY one! It was a great ride (pun intended) produced in LA for 5 years 2012-2017 (Equine Dell Arte) and proceeds went to special needs children, people in recovery and US Veterans

Maurice Vaughan

Those are incredible causes, Susan Kelejian! BELIEF sounds exciting! Hope Natalie finds a home for the feature film. I'm looking forward to watching it!

Martina Kelades
Hello! My name is Martina Kelades. Let's Connect!

Hello, everyone! My name is Martina Kelades. I'm new to Stage 32 and looking forward to making meaningful connections.

I am a professional storyteller and a multi-passionate artist. I am a Canadian actor, public speaker, and podcast host dedicated to dismantling mental and emotional health stigma. Dr...

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Sherri ZImmerman

Martina... LOVE what your mission is...

"podcast host dedicated to dismantling mental and emotional health stigma."

LOVE to be a guest on your PODCAST, if you have an opening. I TOO, AM CHANGING THE WOR...

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Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the kind comment, Sherri ZImmerman. And thanks for telling people about Stage 32 and how I can help them. That's one of the great things about this community: we help each other....

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Richard M Kjeldgaard

Welcome to our family! !!!

Kerry Kennard

Welcome Martina ! Sounds like you have a lot of Actress experience!! With a nice smile like yours, you probably ‘hook’ em in - lol ;-)

As Maurice Vaughan and myself as Moderators. We can guide you to...

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Jabulani Pongolani

Whoever told you, Christine Capone, that capitalising sights and sound in a script that's being submitted into competitions can be quite distracting was dead right. In a spec script it's not really ad...

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Jabulani Pongolani

Hello Family. How are you doing out there?

Jabulani Pongolani is the name I'm known by. I'm a screenwriter, English radio lessons presenter on Star FM, textbook writer, novelist and digital content writer with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education.

I've a flair for writing action thriller my...

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Asmaa Jamil

Hello and you came to the right place.

Richard "RB" Botto

This is one hell of an Introduce Yourself post, Jabulani Pongolani. Welcome aboard. As Asmaa Jamil, you're absolutely in the right place. Dive right in. This is one welcoming, friendly and talented gl...

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Jabulani Pongolani

I feel humbled by your comment, Richard "RB" Botto. Gallons of thanks.

Jabulani Pongolani

Asmaa Jamil thank you for who you are and you are.

Richard "RB" Botto

Most welcome, Jabulani Pongolani

Patrick OConnell
Just a quick reintroduction and a request for a recommendaiton for a class to take

I am Patrick OConnell - in Albuquerque NM - and am reintroducing myself- as I realize that I am the ZERO in the expression " From Zero to Hero" This quick request to one and all(I previously asked folks in my network for a reco too) - So here goes - ​ As I am just starting out in writing for TV/movi...

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Tom Lapke

Tom here. I am the new Dir. of Global Education at Stage 32. Not only are we simpatico on AI being a powerful tool when used correctly, but I absolutely love this post. It has humor, exposition, vulne...

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just signed up

excited to meet and connect with new storytellers

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to Stage 32, Hendrik Schoeman. Glad you're part of the community. I suggest adding more details to your profile bio. It’ll help you build relationships/network on here. You could add things to...

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Jared Michael Delaney

Hey there, Hendrik! Welciome!

Najeea Murray
So grateful for Stage 32!

Hi everyone! My name is Najeea C. Murray and I am pretty much still in the process of marketing my first self-published YA novel. I love writing books, but I also love writing for film and television. I grew up watching Disney Channel and dream of writing similiar family-friendly content that kids w...

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Najeea Murray

Thank you so much @Maurice Vaughan! That's really cool. I'll definitely check it ou!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Najeea Murray. Hope the Lounge helps. I'm sure it will.

Najeea Murray

Hey, Pat Alexander ! I'm still a big Hannah Montana fan! The jokes still hold up lol. I also really love Lizzie McGuire and That's so Raven. Any show with really great families. What about you?...

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Pat Alexander

Lizzie McGuire for sure! Even Stevens was heavily in my bag growing up haha.

Brandy Camille

I'm so glad you're here! Soak up all you can from posts, comments, etc. The soil here is reach and you can grow something special! Welcome!

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