Introduce Yourself : Seeking fellow MENASA artists by Andy Wasif

Andy Wasif

Seeking fellow MENASA artists

Hello all, I am a playwright/screenwriter and qualified MENASA artist (of Egyptian descent). I have written a fun comedy called THE BROTHERS MATAFOUK. It won a fellowship and was read as part of Inkwell Theater's staged reading series. It has wonderful roles for those underserved artists of Middle Eastern, North African, and Southeast Asian heritage. Though silly, at its core, it's a universally-relatable father-daughter relationship that drives it. I see it as an Egyptian version of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" as that highlighted the Greek culture while this introduces audiences to Egyptian culture. Like Nia Vardalos had Rita Wilson help her to bring her script to the masses, I, too, am looking for a champion for my script. Or at the very least some MENASA artists who would like to be a part of what I think could be something very special.

If you fit that description, let's start a conversation.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Andy Wasif. Congratulations on your comedy winning a fellowship! You could also post an ad on the Job Board (

Mark Deuce

Nice to meet you Andy Wasif and you are at the perfect place to make your dreams come true.

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic to have you here, Andy Wasif

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