Don Patterson

Don Patterson

I am a filmmaker that does it all... at Scareurass LLC
Actor, Director, Editor and Screenwriter

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Member Since:
January 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Don

I wrote my first script in 1962 (at the ripe old age of 12). I submitted THE DEVIL'S RESERVATION for a film grant with the AFI in 1974. While waiting for my rejection, I recorded ONE ST. STEPHEN (the soundtrack for THE DEVIL'S RESERVATION) in 1975. One can find out what happened to ONE ST. STEPHEN (and THE DEVIL'S RESERVATION) by doing a search on a search engine on ONE ST. STEPHEN. I married my current wife, Jill in the early 1980s. She wanted me to paint full-time (as did many art galleries)... my work can be seen on the net also... I was an award-winning magic realist/photo realist. I used the 'brain time' and saved the words on paper, in those 20 years while behind the easel, to think up stories, for I loved the story-telling more than anything else. I followed a strict 'Syd Field taught style of writing'. But also, only starting the actual script writing after a fully polished outline. Then after the 1st rough draft on paper... would place the script in storage for at least 6 months. Then re-write. And re-write. And re-write. ETC. In 1992, I jumped back into film-making tired of the long hours of feather brushing paint and glazing (Oils & Alkyds). Cannot express the 'fun' making extremely low-budget films with no-name talent. I learned audio capturing, how to refine video/film image to be the best it can be (with 3 to 5 cameras running on tripods), while editing for pace aimed at creating the best structure to tell the story with limited funds. All this from my own pocket. I won a few minor awards along the way and gained a meager following. HAUNT (2000), THE HAUNTED MOVIE (2004), several Baseball instructional videos and several documentaries. My last 2 hour documentary was SCARE (2018/19). I am not a know it all, I love learning daily. My passion is to be the best I can be in this life... at whatever creative adventure I am involved with. Money-making was never my goal. This year, I am 70, look like 40 and still feel like 25 (with some wisdom gained), due to following ones passion. I tried acting, because I wanted to learn how those in front of the camera 'feel'. My background in realism, fine art and music give me added strength in all aspects of film-making. My history has been fun and entertaining for many, but most of all self. I expect to be making films for at least another 30 years, maybe longer. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Life is a journey and NOT a destination". Some money would be nice along the way, but 'money' was never my goal...

Unique traits: From script to scream... I have several scripts available on my personal setting/site/mailbox on STAGE 32. They have been there for several years, (copyrighted in 2010). They are extremely original and fresh, have been read by librarians, general non-film public and fellow filmmakers/actors with relish! They have been run, through reads, but NEVER pitched; for I will never pay for pitching. I have about 30 finished scripts (since the 1970s) and many can be done for under 5 million 'production' dollars. YET. No one reads them on STAGE 32. Maybe those seeking scripts are really only interested in their 'fees'? I write for myself. THESE are the movies I WOULD LIKE TO SEE -- I would like to make. I follow the Syd Field form of writing... and re-write/update over the years -- fine-tuning while having fun with the characters... their arcs, plot points in structured 3-act plays and updating dialogue. Not everything in life should be JUST ABOUT MONEY.






    WILLIE Budget: $1M - $5M | Fantasy Horror Willie could have been a rock icon but supernatural, mythological creatures have other plans.


    THE SOUND OF NIGHTMARES Sci-fi Space-based species populates planets, controls human evolution, and manipulates governments, religious institutions and technology. They are here, they are hungry.

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