By day, I'm a 'production analyst' in the automotive industry. By choice, I write...
I started and continue to write, for my own entertainment... If it happens to appeal to just one other person; then that's a 100% improvement!
I find myself mostly drawn to horror and comedy; both together and apart...
More recently I've become 50% of the hive-mind known as 'James & Br0wn' writing with creative troublemaker Graeme James!
James & Brown present: The Last Week Comedy ⋄ Horror Monday, they're working to live. Friday, they're fighting to survive...
James & Brown present: Amper Sands Comedy ⋄ Experimental ⋄ Horror Light hearted fun, with dark twists...
JAMES & BROWN PRESENT: AFTER STEVEN Comedy Glasgow Sitcom trial entry 2015. Shortlisted to final 5 for performance by an improv group at event on 8th September. to the video made by @SitcomTrials of our script on the night, performed by @beyondajokelive
JAMES & BROWN PRESENT: AFTER STEVEN (HALLOWEEN) Comedy Our Manchester 'Halloween' @SitcomTrials entry. A second Halloween themed installment of 'After Steven'
INFECTION 22 Horror ⋄ Thriller In the end; what would you do for family?
Todd The Zombie: Lizard Suit Larry (S02E02) *Released*
by Angry Sloth / Gareth Ellis
Todd The Zombie: Party Hard - Part 1 (S02E03) *Released*
by Angry Sloth / Gareth Ellis
Todd The Zombie: Party Hard - Part 2 (S02E04) *In Production*
by Angry Sloth / Gareth Ellis
Todd The Zombie: Breaking Todd (S02E05) *Pre-production*
by Angry Sloth / Gareth Ellis