Jason Joseph

Jason Joseph

Six Beats Of Separation®
Photographer (Still), Creative Executive and Director

New York City, New York

Member Since:
March 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jason

I was born in a borough of N.Y.C.,
lots of trees, lots of concrete.
I shoot in digital.. I dig film. I really dig wine.
I believe life can be surmised as vibrations.
Light, music, you, me, all just vibrations.
At the molecular level.
Positive or negative...just vibrations.

Three Early Memories:

Emerging from the Battery Tunnel with my face nearly pressed against the windshield gazing up at the Twin Towers, with the sense that anything in the world was possible. WOW!
Exploring my family's massive music collection and feeding the turntable everything any and everything from the racks of albums that flanked it. WOW!
Using the camera my aunt bought me on my 8th birthday to take photos of my friends.... Waiting for film to get back from the lab was more suspenseful than waiting for Santa. I was hooked. WOW!

How I Got Here:

I learned to play guitar a bit, learned to play the drums... a lot.
Can't play the violin no matter how hard I try.
I went to a really really cool... really really really expensive N.Y.C. art school. Yawnnnnn.

Moved to Florida....lived on the beaches of two gorgeous islands.. slept on the sand every full moon. Worked for people who had bigger cameras than me....ran around on film sets...impressed a few directors.

Then, I watched those twin beauties I'd gawked at, face pressed against the windshield as a lil' guy with a cap gun in my back pocket...crumble.
My heart broke.
The only thing that would mend it would be to live for fulfilling my heart. If I could find a way to quicken the pulse of other people's hearts with what I create, I knew my heart would be as full as it could be.
Moving people in an undeniable fashion was what I'd dreamed of since I was little.
It was time to set into motion and find the path that every person should get to travel, the path of a life full of dreams come true.

I decided, things that make you say 'WOW!' Whether they are the things that do it to you at 6 years old, or the things that do it to you at 36 years old, are the only things that matter; and that everything, and everyone matters.
We're all connected, we all love laughter, compassion, and sincerity, and we all love the stories that contain any combination of these beautiful facets of being human. We love the arts for their abilities to make us feel less alone, more connected, more understood. We all love success stories, we all love the indomitable spirit, the ability to overcome.

As I began to focus on the most beautiful aspects of what it means to be human, I knew I must find a way to celebrate the power of creativity and expression because everything I'd ever experienced that moved me, or affected me was only made possible by these core ingredients. This was my life's purpose. To instill in others the importance of their own abilities to shape the world they live in by sharing and expressing themselves.

It was time for a change, time to do only the things that would bring me closer to achieving this goal that arguably I'd had since I was a little boy, and was moved by the works of others. Artists, craftsmen, designers, architects, actors, musicians, storytellers. I wanted to make people feel the wonder, and love I felt when I came in contact with things born from the hearts of others. I wanted to create, and share, and touch people in a meaningful lasting way. So....

I moved back home to New York, to make some WOW! WOW, for kids from 6 to 106.

More importantly than any of this,
and expressly because of it all,
I founded the charity
Six Beats Of Separation®.

Unique traits: You decide...



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