Jose Luis Carreño Troncoso

Jose Luis Carreño Troncoso

Submythological Paraps at Travel and Consulting
Author, Camera Operator, Compositor, Illustrator, Musician, Production Assistant, Researcher, Screenwriter, Script Consultant and Translator

San Antonio, Chile

Member Since:
August 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jose

Tragediographer and Submythological Demiurge
Screenwriter, Novelist, Essayist, and Tragic Poet, Narrator-Storyteller
Submythologist / Researcher Literary Heritages Sites

Proactive Pro Innovation Consultant, with 21 years in the multidisciplinary field, persevering in coordination and promotion of projects in the area of ​​Development and Marketing of Tourism nodes, Tourism Industry, E-Marketing Perspectives Communications / Advertising, Consulting, Development and Evaluation of Digital Transformation Projects - Certification and Management of the Q and S Seal- Technological Cultural and Innovation Management, Corporate Events. Orientation in the development of strategies in Marketing, Business Training-Technology and Research applied to Tourism. 2015 Chilean Hellenic Chamber Membership - Friends of Nikos Katzanziakis Society. 2016 Innovation Litoral Creativo Universidad Valparaíso
 1994 Computational Intro University of Chile-Faculty of Economics.
 1996 Cinematographic Script and Audiovisual Production Universidad Católica
 1997 Spatium Center Film Script
 1999 Central Bank / Currency Exchange
 2000 VTE Sernatur Consulting
 2000 Amadeus GDS Training Center
 2002 Saber GDS Training Center
 2004 BNT Brazil Congress
 2006 Viajes Falabella Falanet-Paltec (Introduction) Marketing
 2009 Euroandino Web-Product and Services development - Marketing
 2010 Archaeological Peru - Prom Peru
 2011 Corfo, Sercotec-Promotion, and Administration of Tourism Projects
 2012 Musical Production and Home Studio Audiomusica
 2014 Assist Card University Certification
 2014 - 2019 Macromedia University, Berlin, Applied Sciences / Visit Orlando Project Certification - USA
 2015/2016 Affiliated Agency / Executive TC & Beneficios Javer Hnos
2017 Switzerland Travel Expert Academy Certification
2017 FEN Universidad de Chile, Digital Marketing 5.0
2018 Heritages Sites UNESCO, La Sorbonne Paris Universite - France.
2018 University of Rochester -New York - Music of the Beatles Journalism
2018 - 2019 Wageningen University - Sustainable Tourism - Rethinking Future
2021 Tällberg Award Nomination
2022 Tourism Management UNESCO ( vol.3) Pantheon-Sorbonne Université
2022 Business Support & Compliance at Expocredit - USA

I'm a Tourism Consultant and Entrepreneur - illustrator -Multi musician and singer - certified writer - and I´m working with a Communication and Marketing technology applied - Cultural Management - Evaluation and developing Schemes - fond photography... studying in Macromedia Mooc Berlin - Germany

Unique traits: Proactive Pro Innovation Consultant, with 21 years in the multidisciplinary field, persevering in coordination and promotion of projects in the area of Development and Marketing of Tourism nodes, Tourism Industry, E-Marketing Perspectives Communications / Advertising, Consulting, Development and Evaluation of Digital Transformation Projects - Certification and Management of the Q and S Seal- Technological Cultural and Innovation Management, Corporate Events. Orientation in the development of strategies in Marketing, Business Training-Technology and Research applied to Tourism. 2015 Chilean Hellenic Chamber Membership - Friends of Nikos Katzanziakis Society. 2016 Innovation Litoral Creativo Universidad Valparaíso. Macromedia University Berlin / Sorbonne Paantheon Université - France . 2021 Heritages Sites Volume III Pantheon Sorbonne Université 2021 NominationTallberg-SNF-Eliasson Global Leadership Prize 2022 Business Support & Compliance at Expocredit - USA





    WALKING ON THE STAR OF DRODIDA Romance Walking on the Stars of Drodid One day as leep by a captivating woke essence in your handscaught in your arms woke getting up after nearly having died gave me your breathing air and calm your back to life, releasing the fear more gregarious, after opening my senses almost incinerated i learned that the stars trembled me to reach it I started a new life to sharing with you, sometimes i feel that in your hands sap this life to revive my acuity, what to unfold my body, she quadrupled making me shiver by quakes your tenderness. But today on the eighth day of the universe, divided my feet walking to you for every step of light sonica, road on it being over your carnal finesse frosted still light beams for aboriginal embracing love with your gutted threat to the end dump body, being today only light story emerged from any pythagorean indigo. Eight feet by my raving not walk on forgetful slip hugs and achieve that without it on my feet, making you a path of kisses on a piecemeal moan covering your pleasures in quiet regia union, sealing and my memories to mummifying the most sensitive areas disown make me when you suffer from almost feel much pleasure. Your feet chafe my eighth willing body as your hands it to me, this is your feet eight feet, and your finger eleven flute my way to you open your columns wet and trembling, born in the tropics decorative colors flashing your eyes when mine yours take on your innocence as a mother's dismissal, genesis as a maternal layoffs in the grotto shaggy times makes me roof for to paint with my kisses and my mouth full of oils, full streaking manias those desires that are further under your skin, deep lining up to associate to me ...! My seven feet is the semi - obese and language lenticular spider mine, unleavened filling the food, its highest sing syllabic, make your paint blue and moan molecules liquid call themselves, with its concavity make the bio - live surgery last transplanted hallucinate ... vibratory column of my responsibility on your body, cutting all fear, every element of your flesh lying addict to me hanging on my conscience all descontrol physionomy, losing my light steps sonica falling into the abyss of your distances fragrances, falling in ovation interapeutica licking your body my breath, like a sixth sense. I meditate burning between your legs, dying as i was born of a woman wild servant, fawn as an almost died for a hunter, i prefer my conscience advance day and night to your legs to die of living where one day saw in the recesses; the greatest pleasures with ambitions to break all your secrets, all your defenses to break your falling on my tyranny, allegory huge walk along the invisible to other united take that helped me your surplus usages, enter you and your being, feeling peace penetrate you, not feeling loving preact, or not to have you in the distance but hugging everytime you Drodida to moisten your words to me, stuttering of desire. My six feet organizing penetrates you feast on enraged cowbells,wishes with malice and early pregnat, alcamphor extreme longevity and erectile espermiosicotic, with smoothness and irradiating polish your rattling, spitting cushion on my bones, like a sapphire on until your clothes, and as a inseparable attachment unit dispensable. My bringing night of Saint John in your prayers for imaginary pain coexist in between taking you doing it my trees by spoil collude copulate, taking you stormy ray to the phenomenon with the masses elephantine hitting you on your shoulders, your nipples armpits challenge your beasts i want my grind with canines and incisors to create a new universe of shed your joy to laugh about our loving. The five feet; rub your skin like a shower delicate pituitary masturbating kilometers of rivers into criminal triads morbid on your face ... as well as the sand masturbates the waves, on the sand and wave nail with my eyes my spells dominating you, rolling you thousand times to my love trades. You shall be called Drodida; worship the everlasting orbit of my sight, when i go for your absence mount your toxin grotesque gasp; the stalk watered voluminousity your mouth singing your sweating my groaning telling my cries thinking with my worst vanity, the turn on rotation vanitatory what you just do me with your stalks and not my serous waters in my effervescent mouth in your nipples astral, arrested in any language your thinking lubrication retained me and your touching, what i always touch in you. The five feet as a tightening necromantic porosity your skin that change shape your temples and declaims pretending aridity lovers bad; lords nomades covered them your area leafy tagled branches covered to neat legends of penalties appealed fables o mytofagic eaters; brotherhoods of the worst disease of not having small Mt. in high with it my staff rooted in resisting demolition and other eroding sorrow, reverie spoil it captive in your infinite journey of ecstasy explosional femic. The four feet light make a gentle sonica, dry your language lenticular stalk ciliary zone, enter your supra entails, the cave unexplored wider,enter with both arms with herbs pulsating symmetrical cottoned sleeping in your walls and grotto forms desensitized, insense redeem the pain of window pastoral bishop uniting both peni-pussy areas full of gems balsamic, percusionatives full of eyes. The three feet, running is my hand movements on your breasts imprisoned, they are my two hands scratched by scratching the delivery of your birth. touch my hands that know not touch, when he was born without willing, but my biohands touch your skin attached to transfer and progressive evil of love for the shores of cry to the center or your body centers clung to my hands over your thoughts rampant, wanting to stay in the fact to see you perisphery merge at twilight of our our sunken eyes friction and wet kisses dormitation delightful of travel and destructive of wickedness; fulgurative but doubt of living or dying your enjoyment perpetuate. The second feet, you are you loving me on my feet vertically like a weak tower, ash as rain that spread my fire for you. i take my hands and i took a walk in the seas of orgasmic bellowing. you took the scrub the eternal holy and spinal vocabulary of your mouth muted outrage both enjoy your subumbilicales areas. The first is my feet Drodidaged, it full landed liquid bathing you, your eyes full of sperm petals and replete, as bastions fallen with their helmets gnawed your moans, that resound in memory of trees expectant that divert all about us practice, only your tilt knee …will exalt the time for my happiness excessive. My feet first, it is my son music turret ram rope breaking your every arbour grotto, asleep by the dream Drodida you commanded you do to me, to rock for you and cutting wheel kissing my return to continue all apocalyptic dreams and your most erotic on my ways about it forever astral. Plane it me come the way to sleep with me, come see how i am able to teach Drodida ways of sleeping next to me !! Jose luis / 0ctober 2003 - Copyright 15 – all rigths reserved




  • Macromedia Mooc University

  • Design Thinking - Critical Thinking - Work´s Right


  • Macromedia Mooc University

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