Blaq Deen believes in the designer’s creed - that the world ought to be better, and can be. For happiness, the human desires freedom; for prosperity, the human requires leadership. This is why he is dedicated to releasing peoples’ collective innovation potential to create change that matters for the world – business, agency, NGO, Government and at the intersection of all. To create a better world, unique beings with unique beliefs must forgo their differences and work together for the good of all.
Blaq is a Global Citizen Visionary leading the movement to re-conceptualize education through Edutainment. He believes we owe it to our children to be more innovative together. Himself having created this safe path to the freedom of choice and being entitled to a supreme level of options possessing the power to change our world to make it a better place – being capable of providing for its sustainable development; He has taken up the responsibility to strengthen the mobilization of a global movement of engaged citizens and sustainable companies and stakeholders to create the world we want where all can live in Peace and Abundance.
In rethinking education to cope with rapid changes at the threshold of the twenty-first century, innovation, technology, and research are indispensable tools of education. Mr Blaq is aligned to improve education and inspire a global movement as a certified Microsoft Innovations Educator through encouraging pedagogically sound, ambitious innovations to cultivate a better future around the world. With this knowledge he supports his children's award-winning program Kikao Cultures that teaches about the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development as the program's Edutainment Director.
Blaq Deen is the Music Director at Fardeen OOIK!
Guided by the utopian vision of Globalism’s total unification, Blaq sees a bright future for Africa – in collaboration with the rest of the world himself having roots in both divides. A future where commercial and social organizations use their scarce resources wisely; a post-labor civilization maintained by autonomous machinery and powered with unlimited energy; a future where innovation efforts are de-risked by decisions that are truly humanity-centric and system focused.
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