Bruce Chun

Bruce Chun

Director of Photography and Screenwriter

Montréal, Canada

Member Since:
July 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Bruce

Hey Gang
I would like to say Hi to y'all. You are the courageous ones, not the hack exec.
Don't listen to the substance of what they say unless they know screenwriting. Rather take their cue and go elsewhere because they're not smart enough to see your potential. Or they see it but don't care because they live an uninspired life. They watch writers and directors and actors do what they love to do and it makes them bitter. Getting payed coverage of your Idea is asking for a real slap in the face. Just keep writing. There are good things in every screenplay. Learn to see them and filter out the rest.
Lots of success to all.

Unique traits: An acerbic sense of humor??



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