Member Since:
January 2015
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Stacy

Feature film screenwriter




  • Absolution - One Sheet

    Absolution - One Sheet Drama Thriller After a chance car crash an immortal man takes an interest in a female geneticist, but when she tries to use his DNA to earn a patent she uncovers his dangerous secret – he is Cain from the bible.

  • Absolution - FULL SCREENPLAY

    Absolution - FULL SCREENPLAY Budget: $5M - $10M | Drama Thriller After a chance car crash an immortal man takes an interest in a female geneticist, but when she tries to use his DNA to earn a patent she uncovers his dangerous secret – he is Cain from the bible.


  • I don't have any credits, that's why I am here. Help a brother out.

    I don't have any credits, that's why I am here. Help a brother out. (2015)
    Film by Can you introduce me? Aspiring Screenwriter


  • Zero, Zip Nada. But if we all work together here...we can walk the red carpet.

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