Alesha Escobar

Alesha Escobar


Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
May 2018
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Alesha

I enjoy reading and writing engaging stories and expressing my creativity daily. I write fantasy novels with intriguing characters, action-packed scenes, and always throw in a good dash of humor and romance.

My bestselling fantasy series, THE GRAY TOWER TRILOGY, has been in the top 60 of the entire US Kindle store and on the fantasy bestsellers list at Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble (Nook), Apple iBooks, and Kobo. I’m partnering with a couple of producers on getting a completed screenplay adaptation of the first book of the series, “The Tower’s Alchemist.”




  • The Tower's Alchemist

    The Tower's Alchemist Fantasy Adventure A jaded spy reluctantly agrees to postpone retirement and extract a warlock from Nazi-occupied France. But when her cover is blown, she’s pitted against a deadly vampire who seeks to devour her…

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