Alister Brooks

Alister Brooks

Words & Worlds
Screenwriter and Author

Monrovia, California

Member Since:
March 2015
Last online:
1 week ago
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About Alister

Alister Brooks is a soulful screenwriter and poet whose work tears hearts apart with cinematic grit. His prison drama The Lotus placed in the top 10% of the 2021 Academy Nicholl Fellowships, showcasing his knack for redemption and raw emotion. Current projects include Epoch, a sci-fi thriller blending maternal love and alien invasion for Nicholl 2025, and Martyr’s Ridge, a historical war epic (Filmmatic NexTV 2021 Quater-Finalist). His poetry chapbook Hiding from Autumn launches spring 2025, weaving nature’s decay with haunting nostalgia. A researcher and storyteller, Alister crafts ‘Words & Worlds’—risky, visual narratives that resonate. Connect for Epoch’s journey or Hiding’s poetry.




  • The Lotus

    The Lotus Budget: $100K - $1M | Crime Drama When Lazarus, the most-feared inmate of Eastbrook Prison, defies a kill order from his sadistic warden, he is thrown into solitary confinement and confronts his sinful past only to emerge reborn against the dark forces he was once beholden to. 

  • Martyr's Ridge

    Martyr's Ridge Budget: $5M - $10M | Sci-fi Historical When a disillusioned American soldier and his squad are hurled into the heart of the Civil War through a time-altering, secret weather program, they must overcome internal conflicts and unite against a vengeful comrade who arms the Confederacy with modern weaponry to rewrite history.

  • Epoch

    Epoch Budget: $5M - $10M | Thriller Sci-fi When a widowed geneticist uncovers a shocking truth about her son and his connection to an ancient aquatic race, she must navigate a dangerous web of government conspiracies to protect him and unravel the mystery that could hold the key to humanity's fate.


  • QUARTER-FINALIST - Table Read My Screenplay Park City - "Martyr's Ridge"

  • SEMI-FINALIST - Table Read My Screenplay Park City - "The Lotus"

  • SEMI-FINALIST - Emerging Screenwriter's Competition - "Martyr's Ridge"

  • QUARTER-FINALIST - Page International Awards Screenwriting Contest - "The Lotus"

  • RECOMMEND: Script Reader Pro (Coverage) - "Epoch"

  • QUARTER-FINALIST - Stage 32 4th Annual Feature Drama Screenplay Contest - "The Lotus"

  • QUARTER-FINALIST -Creative Screenwriting Feature Screenplay Competition - "Martyr's Ridge"

  • QUARTER-FINALIST - Table Read My Screenplay Competition Hollywood - "Martyr's Ridge"

  • QUARTER-FINALIST - Scriptation Showcase Feature and Shorts - "Martyr's Ridge

  • SECOND ROUND: ISA Fast Track Fellowship - "Martyr's Ridge"

  • RECOMMEND: Indie Film Hustle (Coverage) - "The Lotus"

  • QUARTER-FINALIST - ScreenCraft Sci-Fi and Fantasy Competition - "Martyr's Ridge"

  • RECOMMEND: Confluential Feature Coverage - Coverfly - "The Lotus"

  • QUARTER-FINALIST - Faith in Film: International Film Festival & Screenwriting Competition"The Lotus"

  • THE RED LIST: Top 20 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Category - Coverfly - "Martyr's Ridge"

  • SOUND ROUNDER - Austin Film Festival Screenplay Competition - "Martyr's Ridge"

  • SEMI-FINALIST - Santa Barbara International Screenplay Awards - "Martyr's Ridge"

  • TOP 1O0 READ MY SCREENPLAY AWARDS - Austin Table Read My Screenplay Competition - "The Lotus"

  • SEMI-FINALIST - Scriptation Showcase - Features + Shorts Category - "The Lotus"

  • QUARTER-FINALIST - Final Draft Big Break - "The Lotus"

  • QUARTER-FINALIST - Wescreenplay Feature Contest - "The Lotus"

  • QUATER-FINALIST - Filmmatic NexTV Writing and Pitch Competition - "Martyr's Ridge"

  • QUARTER-FINALIST - Screencraft Drama Competition - "The Lotus"

  • TOP 10% - The Academy Nicholl Fellowship - "The Lotus"


  • Writer's Boot Camp Los Angeles

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