Candace Hibbard Lillie

Candace Hibbard Lillie

The M.A.D. House Artists
Dancer, Costumer, Choreographer, Crafty, Crew, Makeup Artist, Set Decorator, Set Designer and Other

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Member Since:
November 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Candace

In the road company of No No Nanette prenatally....Makeup room at Tulsa Little Theatre at 11 days. Pretty solid theatrical background. Costumed all the high school plays. BFA in Dance from Stephens College. Partner to Bhaskar and costumer for Bhaskar Dances of India from 1976 until the 1980s. Started as First Hand at Brooks-Van Horn in the early 1980s. Some useful courses at F.I.T. in pattern making, draping and grading...Worked for Izquierdo Studios on crafts, with Lyn Carroll on Santo Loquasto projects (and History of Costume at Rutgers), and finally as First Hand to Jim Meares and Sally Ann Parsons at Parsons/Meares in the 1980s mostly doing collars and tails for CATS. Took leave of NYC for childrearing in 1987. Costumed Renaissance feasts in Florida, Medieval garb, etcetera. 1999 built our own art, music and dance studio and costume shop in the wilds of Oklahoma on Grand Lake. The most remote possible location, considering the rise in the price of gas. Still here. Still available. Come by if you are in the area. Directions to here on our website. (Forget GPS - we are so remote we are not even on GPS...) Finished a large scale Mosaic 2014, continuing art and costume.

Unique traits: Renaissance woman. Work in all medium. Leather, crafts, dance, art, construction, husbandry - Grand Lake Artistic Chaos Foundation.



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