Ernest Cox

Ernest Cox

The ECIS Group, LLC
Screenwriter, Financier, Producer, Producer of Marketing & Distribution and Script Consultant

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Member Since:
August 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Ernest

“On a work week that finishes with a visit to a local bar, patrons toast and relax. While the message is clear to end DUI, statistically the community is not listening. To some it’s still called a ‘happy hour’. An inebriated patron staggering towards an exit door would benefit if aided by a good Samaritan. Instead, sober onlookers watch as drunks stumble across the floors, through opened doors, and drive!”
“A call is made from a driver pushing buttons on a notably dated flip phone. He sees the staggering patron, waving an arm up high. Abruptly, the collision causes the cell phone driver to lunge into the post of the steering column and breaks into the windshield glass. The yellow cab, being hailed by the inebriated and responsible patron is now an unrepairable mass of wreckage…”
Do you want to learn more?
We deliver visual presentations of critical issues in an effort to inspire dialog and to support social development. Our trailers present what we call Condition Consequences, a social dynamic that creates trends due to an industry need and transformation that results in product creation. We believe informative visual announcements must be entertaining and creative in order to reach the viewership most vulnerable to issues demonstrated through our illustrations.

Unique traits: Bachelor/Master's Degree Northern Arizona University Outstanding Academic Achievements Strong analytical and problem solving skills Marketing & Information Research Expert Tell Me: 1) About a project you are currently challenged by. 2) How many light posts are in the state of New York, because I will make it my company's mission to know; so that replacing that number with trees throughout the state on behalf of the Audubon Society will be the first goal of several that makes a difference in the world. 3) What else can be done to promote your craft & why haven't you done it.






  • LIFE, that's all I need


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