Geri Lynn Weinstein Matthews

Geri Lynn Weinstein Matthews

UnAvoidable Productions LLC/Owner
Director, Producer, Filmmaker and Actor

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Member Since:
April 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Geri

Geri Lynn is no stranger to supporting those in need and assisting them in providing/creating opportunities for having their voices heard. With the support of her husband, a military sexual trauma survivor and creator of the idea that launched this project. Geri Lynn
has integrated her professional and personal life by producing and co-directing the short documentary Justice Denied,
that takes a no holds barred look at male sexual assault in the military out of the shadows.

This film is now being used as a training tool at military installations.

This trauma specialist/EAP has been affectionately dubbed "the trauma queen", for she had provided mental health support for air plane crashes, fires, 9/11 with the FDNY, Katrina. & other workplace traumas.

Matthews Educational Background:
SUNY at Buffalo,BA in Media and Mass Communications;
Substance Abuse Counseling certificate from the University Of New Mexico; MSW from New Mexico
Highlands University and is licensed in medical and clinical social work.

As an LCSW Geri Lynn has 20 plus years of rich biospychosocial experience as a social worker including a focus on Military Sexual Trauma (MST) as an advocate for over 13 years.
She is one of the contributors and subjects profiled in the 2012 Oscar nominated film, The Invisible War and also worked on producing the play, A Shot Away in New Mexico.

In addition, Geri Lynn is a public speaker, EAP, educator, in private practice, a clinical supervisor, mentor,
presenter at conventions, speaker at military briefings, a
seminar facilitator, worked at
Penthouse and Omni magazines; KZIA radio;
On the Scene Magazine associate editor; freelance
writer Veterans Voice newsletter, Paralyzed Veterans/PVA , Fire Department Of New York City/
FDNY/Red Cross Project Liberty post 9/11 terror attacks/clinical supervisor,
public relations, advertising,publishing; writer of the book New Mexico's Most Wanted; film stand in for Made in U.S.A. '80's cult road film; extra in Captain Fantastic awaiting release;
administrator on social media pages : Service: When Women Come Marching Home; Consultant for Protect Our Defender's and
GI Bridge.

St. Joseph's Hospital, social work award
YWCA Women of the Year nominee, 2012
FDNY 2003, Director's Special Commendation
Accolade Award of Merit/Justice Denied Documentary 2013.

"The Foundation For The Child Victims Of The Family Courts Supports The Documentary WorkOf Geri Lynn Weinstein Matthews".

Geri Lynn continues to produce/ of educational short film for the VA; producer on a NM documentary 50 States Of Rape; continues to screen Justice Denied the movie at film festivals and is currently directing Justice Denied the TV Series; board member MACCS/Media Arts Collaborative Charter School; Vet USA Honorary board member of the One Billion Rising Veteran's Empowerment Team; member of New Mexico Women In Film; is owner of UnAvoidable Productions LLC.

Unique traits: Clinical Social Worker (Medical/Psychiatric) MSW/LCSW BA Media & Mass Communication Social Documentarian



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