Gianfranco Grenar

Gianfranco Grenar

Grenar Lab
Stock Footage Company and Videographer

Bari, Italy

Member Since:
January 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Gianfranco

A creator of tiny colorful worlds.

What I do: stock footage, branded content, branded entertainment, commercials, music videos, short movies, book trailers.

Biggest clients so far: Microsoft USA, Microsoft Italia, Durex China, Poste Italiane, Sisal, Sony Ericsson, RAI 5, SKY TG News 24, Comedy Central, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Forum PA (agencies: Zooppa Europe S.r.l., Zooppa Inc., TheBlogTv SpA, Mofilm Inc., Tongal).

A sample of my works:

Owned equipment:

Canon EOS 5D MkII + Magic Lantern
Sony HDR-SR7 (backup cam)
50mm 1.4 Canon lens
70-300mm 4.5/5.6 Canon lens
Zoom H4n (omni mic and portable recording system)
Audio Technica Pro ATR3350 Lavalier omni mic
Omega Lexicon (studio recording system)
Shure KSM32 (studio mic)
2 softbox lights
Tripods, shoulder support

Inquiries: grenarlab@

Unique traits: Music videos, book trailers, short movies, stock footage, storytelling. Since 2009.




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