JAXINN films production is a film and television production, established in 2013 by a young ambitious entrepreneur, by name Nathaniel Nsiah Israel. Whose vision started in 2007 as an actor, moving from one production house to the other but later learn to do something on his own after meeting a lady called Suzzy Nyamekye in 2010.
with one accord, we made this dream accomplished and this FILMS PRODUCTION was officially launched in FEB. 2014 with the name JAXINN FILMS PRODUCTION.
This company produces movies, Television series, documentaries, TV commercial, music video production and projects involving film production. With our skilled personnel we also train actors, film editors and all aspect of cinematography.
i am 38yrs of age and a worker too at the Ghana ports and harbours Authority, am married to mrs. justine aku xornam Nsian with 3 kids, carl, caroline and nathalia.