Jean-Claude Boeke

Jean-Claude Boeke

Ningenno Cinema
Actor, Director, Producer and Screenwriter

Stockholm, Sweden

Member Since:
August 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jean-Claude

Jean-Claude Boeke is a filmmaker with an acting background from Sweden. Who also had a lead roll in the Oscar nominated short film Francis and he’s the current Producer for NewName agency and the founder of Ningenno Cinema, He studied film and screenwriting at Stockholms Kulturama school of art.





    A DREAMER'S WORLD Drama Romance Sci-fi What if your dreams became your knew reality and being alive does not give you any satisfaction anymore. Do you except the dreams as the new truth or a lie? A cancer patient should have a fighting chance in life just like the rest of us instead of finding refuge and comfort in their dreams when it should be in our world the living world.

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