Currently a corporate professional looking to change careers and pursue an acting career. Currently am enrolled in Acting 2 at the Second City Training center in Chicago, having completed Acting One. Next courses will involve improve and a Camera Acting class. To "practice" being on set I've performed a number of TV Background-Extra Roles, as well as in a major feature film. In superior shape for my age, and versatile appearance, I am able to assimilate into a role of blue collar worker in his late thirties to early fifties, as well as that of Lawyer or Doctor or Finance Professional. I am of Irish Heritage but have been told I can appear Italian at times. Born and raised in the North East, born in NYC, and raised in New Jersey, retain a slight North East accent. My short term goals are to solicit the services of an agent, and audition for speaking roles in Commercials, TV and/or film. I would also consider print and voice over work. My intent is to have some content for my Reel in the very near future. I can be reached either via this page, or my email which is jmichaelmahl@.
Extra - Party attendee
by 4 Star Casting
Extra - Pool Player
CCP Feature Film
by Confidential
Extra - Construction Worker
by Joan Philo Casting
Extra - Lawyer
Chicago PD
by TailSticks Casting
Extra - Bar Patron
Sirens (2nd Episode)
by 4 Star Casting
Extra - Park Pedestrian
The Second City
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